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RE: Religion and war. what is your opinion?

in #religion9 years ago (edited)

Religion is a hangover from our historical past where we didn't have science to explain how the heavens and the world around us work. This wouldn't be a bad thing I'd it hadn't been repeatedly hijacked to suit people in power to get people to do what they want which mostly seemed too relate to violence. I wish there was less of it in the world.

Let me state though that I believe in individual freedom for all and the freedom to believe what they believe, the above is just my opinion.


couldn't have said it better myself.

I value your opinion is respectable, the Bible mentions scientific data, leaving surprised

2500 years ago he said that the earth is a circle, and hangs on nothing

1000 years ago the Bible says, that the heavens are folded and unfolded like a cloth

2000 years he refers to DNA as a book where the body parts are written

Look again at what it said about that circle in Job...

There is only one shape that yields a circular boundary between light and darkness.

