in #religion7 years ago


Well, hot damn. Good news for the Catholics. "There is no hell", declared Pope Francis in an interview with long time friend Eugenio Scalfari, as published two days ago in La Repubblica. In the same interview apparently the Pope said he was honored to be called "revolutionary". No kidding!

This is as about as monumental as President Trump coming out and saying he has appointed an illegal alien from Honduras as the new US Attorney General. No, actually this is bigger. Amazing. Of course the Vatican quickly came out and reassured the 1.29 billion members of the Church that the interview was not accurate as printed and that indeed, there is a hell. Phew! Close call.

But one wonders, not if there is a hell, but if the Pope really said this. If indeed the Pope did say this in an interview, and then stands by his pronouncement then there will be at least one Catholic that will experience hell. The Pope. And he won't have to wait until he leaves this mortal body to experience it. There will be an absolute uproar. I mean the reality of hell and that it is waiting for sinners is fundamental in the history and doctrines of the Church. We can only speculate, at this moment, what the Pope will do, but I suspect he will stick by his words if, indeed, he said them. If he does stick to his guns then this will present a massive challenge to the Church...whether to accept this as Doctrine, as the word of God spoken through His appointed Voice, or declare the Pope is off his rocker.

Who knows maybe this will be seen as a "sign of the times", a certain indication that the Church has gone to hell. But in the meantime, what would it mean if the Catholic Church accepted this as doctrine? Which thing I can't imagine, but Holy Cow, what if they did? It would change everything. I mean this would be a massive shift in the tectonic plates that underlie the very foundations of the Church. Would members no longer be encouraged to repent? I mean why should they? And if there is no Hell, then what of the Devil? If you believe in US and EU propaganda then maybe the new devil will be Putin. Or maybe the Devil will come to be seen as just our inner human desires to satisfy the demands of our survival instincts. I don't know if the membership of the Church should celebrate or simply say, "Oh to hell with it!" But you can guarantee that The Pope is feeling the heat today!


Thanks for the post @mistermercury

Maybe it is a new direction they're trying to push us in. Seed planted perhaps? Can't imagine he is not doing exactly as told.

If I may be so bold to say, isn't a see already planted? When we were told that there is a hell, it planted fear in us. A mighty tool for sure to help keep the people good. But then what about the seed of fearing God? We were told that the God is mighty and to fear him as well. The seed that grew more fear. We then became behaved little children and now are lead by a pope and many others down to priests.
There is a web of problems here. How many religious people do not believe in possessions and having to do an exorcism? But if there is a hello how is this not a possible thing? And then there are the pedophilic priests... And then planting a seed of hell being non existent. All hell would break loose.. pun intended. It's a loop. Playing ball so to speak.

From what I know the Pope really is a revolutionary, a maverick. I think he does indeed dance to the music of the global elite, but I may be FOS on that. Blessings.

I don't know if the Pope really said this. If he did, I feel no pressure (as a Roman Catholic) to accept his view, since there is no indication he invoked Papal infallibility. It's not a question of doctrine, as far as I can tell.

Well, time will tell. Would be fascinating, from a non-Catholic point of view, to see how the Church reacts if he did make such a claim, officially. Blessings.

....and then....issues no apology or remorse for the hell that was lashed out upon the indigenous peoples of north america. Puppets. They, all the "powers" that be, are all puppets.