Attacking belief (Religion, Opinion etc...)

in #religion8 years ago



This issue is quite rampant in today's world. This is because everyone has something to say, now that's not a bad thing because the bad thing is everyone is wildly minforned about quite a lot of topics.



I am going to be using religion as an example. Personally, I am pro religion because I look at the good in all of them. The good outweighs the bad, that is a personal opinion of what I believe in.
But nowadays, people find only the bad, even though it also contains the good. Personally they can criticise religion all they want it's their choice. But attacking someone for their belief and trying to put yourself on this high pedestal while your verbally beating the other person down, trying to make them feel inferior is wrong


Attacking belief

Attacking a belief is just plain wrong. Yes criticise it in a constructive manner and when I mean criticise it, make sure your criticism is formulated and well though out. Your tone, grammar and arguments are well presented. you are in idiot and mongrel for believing in this, things like this is an personal attack and not a criticism on religion. Which begs the question how are you any different to religious zealots who call for the deaths of innocent non religious people.
The religious zealots think that because they believe in god, they are better.


How should you criticise

First and foremost, you need to be an intellectual to be able to criticise and I don't mean getting a degree. To be an intellectual on a subject is to know everything about that subject. To be an intellectual about religion is to know about everything on the religion, whether it is the good and bad or the grey areas. Then formulate your opinions taking everything into account and not be bias because of personal bias. Then criticise in such a manner where the other person does not think he's arguing with a fool.


The problem

Today we have so many ignorant people in the world. Ignorance is a danger and should be treated as such. Some ignorant people tell me that civilisation today have the proper doctors. Lol, what about the people who lived back a 1000 years ago, didn't they have some form of doctors. Didn't people get wounded back in those days and then have doctors to stitch them back up.


Attack belief is wrong, criticising it is not. However criticise it in such a manner that the other person thinks you are intellectual and not fool whose to high on weed. Because when you ignorantly attack a persons belief, you can't blame them if they attack you or start some sort of violence. Because sometimes words hitter harder stones.


People struggle to reconcile their world view with the views of others.

Religion & science both have their flaws but I think they both try to improve us on different levels & their methods of achieving their goals are different.

I think it's important to find the common ground & move forward from there.

Thanks for your thoughtful post.

Thank you for your reply, I guess my problem isn't with religion and science, it's with the followers who think they are high and mighty.
My friend ignorance is and will always be the number 1 cause of conflict, whichever form it takes

The genius mind can hold two opposing ideas at the same time. There's no right or wrong and there's no reason to criticize anyone. Focus on yourself. Your own temple. The faults you see in others might just be reflections of yourself. Anyone is free to think and believe anything as long as it allows for the whole to live in harmony with each other. Even altruists can be extremists, which is as bad as religious extremists.

The truth has many layers and its on every one of us to decide how to interpret things. It's you who gives meaning to anything and everything.

Be compassionate if you think you know better. "They don't know better". And you can try to showcase your opinion, but only if they are actually interested. Forcing anyone to think like you want them to think, is extremism. And it's non of your business anyways. If everyone would just take care of his/her own thoughts, we would all find peace and happiness.

If only everyone would follow your advice... haha.
Then again this imperfect reality is the one we live in.
Compassion I should say is something lacking in most people today.

Thanks for your post

TL;DR Dont be an arse

ex fucking xactly