The following and the above logo is taken/copied from information supplied by the Companions of Saint Anthony, 12290 Folly Quarter Rd., Ellicott City, Maryland 21042-1425. They can be reached at 1-844-StAnthony (844-782-6846). Their web site is .
"The Companions of St. Anthony are spiritual partners of the Franciscan Friars Conventual who share a love for and devotion to St. Anthony of Padua."
"Companions seek to give glory to God through living the values which were so dear to the heart of St. Anthony: love for Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist; appreciation for the Sacred Scriptures; reconciliation and penance as part of the Christian journey; prayer; devotion to our Blessed Mother; and opportunities for Christ-like charity and generosity."
The following is a Saint Anthony Litany:
"From all hardness of heart; from fear, anger and strife; from every injustice, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"From quarreling and conflict; from envy and jealousy; from every addiction, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"From self-hatred and lack of self-esteem; from bitterness and evil, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"From all deception and dishonesty; from despair and hopelessness, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"That we may grow in the peace, compassion and generosity of Jesus Christ, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"That we may love our neighbor as ourselves, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"That the Word of God may enlighten our minds and lead us into all truth, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"That we may always advance in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, St. Anthony, pray for us."
"Through the intercession of St. Anthony, may Almighty God bless us: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
"At the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Maryland is an exceptional relic of St. Anthony of Padua, the beloved Franciscan Friar known the world over as 'the Miracle Worker' and 'Finder of the Lost.'"
"Resting on the book in St. Anthony's hand, in the middle of the flame, is a very precious first-class relic of St. Anthony, a gift from the Basilica in Padua, Italy, to the Franciscan Friars Conventual in Ellicott City."
"The Companions of St. Anthony venerate this relic, and this is where all the names inscribed in the Spiritual Treasury are placed, to be prayed for and remembered."
The following are prayers that are provided by the Companions of St. Anthony.
"St. Anthony, lover of the least and lowly, you reached out to the sick with a generous and compassionate heart. Please be with me at this time of ill health, and accompany me as I face this sickness and all the uncertainties of infirmity. Help me experience God's healing power through your prayers, as well as my own."
"If I suffer, lead me to unite myself to the Cross of Jesus Christ, so that this suffering can bring spiritual benefit to me and to others. May my bearing the cross of illness here on earth prepare me for new life in the eternal joys of perfect happiness and fullness of life with God forever in Heaven. Amen."
"St. Anthony, you always helped those in need. I fervently seek your heavenly intercession now for (here name) who is ill and in need of your miraculous assistance. Give strength to (name) so that he/she may experience God's blessings and goodness at this time. May his/her sufferings be lessened and confidence in God's Divine Providence be increased."
"St. Anthony, you were a true friend to the sick and offered them your compassionate care in powerful acts of healing. Stay near to (name) now with your protection. Console our anxious hearts and grant that our physical and emotional sufferings be a source of purification and growth for eternal life. Amen."
"St. Anthony, faithful servant of Christ, you offered comfort and consolation to all who came to you in times of trouble. Pray for me now, that I may know true peace of mind, heart and soul. Help me grow in faith, so that I may be free from all useless and needless anxiety in this life."
"Fill me with confidence in God's healing graces. Grant me the serenity known by those who let go of resentments, bitterness and anger. Reassure me that Our Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, is with me every step of the way, every day of my life, and that in His gracious love I need not worry or fear sickness, problems or any of life's difficulties. Amen."
Please note that this Catholic prayer is not copyrighted. Most Catholic prayers, poems, etc. are encouraged to be spread throughout the world in order to help people to come closer to God.