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RE: Absurdity of Religions

in #religion8 years ago

You could of defeated the same demons with power of almighty psychosis pills. For the sake of argument, what would you do if you've never heard of almighty Jesus Christ, would you think the same? It is not moral to prey on the dying, during their end moments they can have their wishy-washy thoughts before they die. Nothing can change my mind though, my thoughts are backed by the science and rational thinking. It is not rational to think there are demons around, metaphorically or physically. It is not rational to think there is a heaven or hell, or any god. Religion always brings interesting discussions and so different point of views.


With regards to your first belief on defeating those demons with psychosis pills, I completely disagree. Demons do have a direct correlation with the mentally insane but I do not believe anyone who believes in demons is diagnosed as unstable and crazy. We can agree to disagree on that since it seems you've never encountered a spiritual multi-dimensional being.

If I never heard of Jesus Christ, I would most likely be a non-believer. Point blank period. So I am blessed to have the faith since I do know of Him and His sacrifice.

I guess I'll just have to wait and die to see all of us at the same judgement day. There won't be any time for us to tell each other "I told you so" or from your perspective, "See there is no God." I don't know where your beliefs lead one after death. But I do not dispute the rationality and backing of science, however science cannot disprove God, and in your eyes "prove God exists" yet He does but He transcends scientific reasoning for that very reason, because science is a limitation of human understanding which cannot grasp the complexities of the Almighty Father. Something you and I completely disagree upon which is what it simply is.