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RE: The Greatest Picture Ever Drawn

in #religion8 years ago

There aren't bad guys and good guys. There are just people and people will do bad things, but the same people will also do good things.

I disagree with this. There are only bad guys or good guys. Those are the 2 most important distinctions (unlike religion, race, creed, gender, etc.). There are those who choose to constantly act with compassion, and those who initiate force, bully, and hurt others any way they can just to get ahead.

The reason bad guys still exist is because some good guys continue to pretend that everything is A-OK and no one ever points out or corrects their disgusting behavior. This is why we do not see the liars and thieves who crashed our economy in jail. This is why Clinton and Trump are the nominees for President. This is why millions of children are suffering from mercury poisoning due to the CDC falsifying data, destroying evidence, and then forcing kids to get vaccines filled with a known poison. This is why cheaters get rewarded in our society (for example in divorce court the woman will, in many cases, get alimony even if she is the one who committed adultery), but those who are honest and righteous and moral are continuously ostracized.

Yes, all of us have free will. But that free will ends where someone else's free will begins. "Bad guys" don't respect that boundary and impose their free will on others, often without consent. They also refuse to follow the 2nd rule of being kind. Are good guys supposed to just take that kind of abuse and preach that these people are good, but sometimes do bad things when evidence points to the contrary?

I do agree with your main point though. All religions lead to God, and each one offers a unique path that we can choose to take. But also, we cannot get bogged down in the rules and rituals of these religions. I wrote about this a bit ago if you'd like to check it out:


I think most people who do bad things do them because for whatever reason, that's what they were taught to do. So there are people who strive to always to what's right, and those who don't know what right really is. This is sad, because damaging behavior can poison generations. And those people who engage in damaging behavior rarely listen to kindness or reason. All I can do is teach my children love and tolerance and seek the best future possible through them.

Kids should absolutely be taught love, compassion, and tolerance, (and I commend any parent who focuses on that), but they should also understand the reality of life. People will hurt them and many of them will do it on purpose, just because they are bad people. No other reason.

A "bad person" is just a person who disregards free will and consent. And it is a person who is willing to initiate force to get what they want.

We should teach kids how to discern early on which people to avoid and which to trust. :)