Papa Legba's Day is Monday

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Papa Legba owns the Crossroads, and He seems to be based on same energy as Eshu
and Ellegua. Eshu's honorary blog is @ while Ellegua's is @ with channels for Folks who may wish to further explore Papa Legba. Either Papa Legba or Baron Samedi sits at my head; possibly i am ruled by Both of Them, or They are different Incarnations of the same Energy. Idk, but i know They are awesome. I know that i went from a life of waiting for Jesus to save me, to learning to save myself with Legba's Spiritual and life guidance which He freely gives. Well, He does like rum, cigars, toys, shiney pennies, coconut, and attention like songs played for Him, but He doesn't want 10% or to scare people with hell. We reincarnate and hell is just the Underworld demonized by those who wish to control humanity. Next, i will present what other sources say about Papa Legba with my own comments.


"Papa Legba is a loa in Haitian Vodou, who serves as the intermediary between the loa and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages. In Haiti, he is the great elocutioner. Legba facilitates communication, speech, and understanding.

He usually appears as an old man on a crutch or with a cane, wearing a broad brimmed straw hat and smoking a pipe, or sparkling water. The dog is sacred to him. Legba is syncretized with Saint Peter, Saint Lazarus,[1] and Saint Anthony.[2]
Alternative views[edit]
In Benin, Nigeria and Togo, Legba is viewed as young and virile, is often horned and phallic, and his shrine is usually located at the gate of the village in the countryside. Alternatively, he is addressed as Legba Atibon, Atibon Legba, or Ati-Gbon Legba."

I find it oddly saddening that a deity as powerful and awesome as Papa Legba gets such sparse information regarding real life, and so much coverage about TV shows, movies, and songs. Wikipedia did much better on Baron Samedi, Maman Brigette, and even the Other Orishas.

Papa Legba pretty sigul.jpg

African American Wiccan Society

"Papa Legba governs over choice and the paths that we all walk. He presents us with opportunities and also tests our progress with challenges as we travel through earth life. This responsibility has given him the title of being the ultimate trickster god. He challenges us to step out of ourselves and to examine the habits and beliefs
that we identify with. The choice is to either examine our lives or continue to fail the tests that Papa Legba sends to us over and over again. To Papa Legba, choice is of the utmost
importance for it is choice that displays the maturity of the heart and mind.

Papa Legba is one of the very oldest Loa and has been around since the beginning of time. He has seen everything which is why he is the Master Story Teller and the keeper of man’s
history. He is like the Kemetic/Egyptian record keeping God Tehuti in this light for he has an unimaginable amount of data stored in his memory. He is the griot with the tales of heroes and the origins of all things. He can speak these stories to anyone on the planet for he is King of all linguists and therefore knows all languages.

He is an honored Orisha called Elegba in the Ifa and Santeria traditions. Elegba is a much
younger version of Papa Legba who is depicted with hair braided into a phallic style and an erect penis symbolizing his insatiable nature (In Benin he is often depicted with horns on his head). Young Elegba is always moving, experimenting and causing all kinds of mischief.

Many are confused by Elegba who is also known to cause chaos and then also become the primary force who aids man in organizing the chaos and restore peace. The mischief that Elegba causes is nothing compared to the version of him known as Eshu (or Exu) who is only fit for the wild.

As gatekeeper, Papa Legba opens and closesall ceremonies. Communication with the other Gods can’t even occur until He is consulted because Papa Legba is the Hoodoo Man who holds the keys to the doors between the physical and spiritual realms. Papa Legba is the knowledgeable sorcerer with keys to understanding the secrets of astral travel, banishing and dealing effectively with beings of the unseen. Papa Legba is found at any crossroads. This is where two roads meet and also a place where the physical realm and spiritual realm meet. He directs the traffic flow at this place. He is the alchemist taking what is left at his feet and transmuting it into something useful. You can come to him at the crossroads and leave sorrow, ritual remains, left over spiritual bath water, a haunted object, or anything and he will send it
where it needs to go. There are also tales of people going to the crossroads to receive gifts
and talents such as dance ability, more luck in gambling and better skill on guitar."

Written by Monticue

Excellent job. May Monticue be blessed for her

great work for the Gate Opener +++ase+++


Vodou Religion

"There are certain spirits in the world that everyone must and does have naturally with them. Everyone has ancestors, everyone has Gede, the Lwa Met Tet. But a Lwa which everyone may not necessarily have walking with them, yet everyone is able to get in contact with him is the Lwa Legba.
The Lwa Legba is the opener of the gates allowing us to walk through life to new places and walk “Gran Chemen” (The big road- journey through life) In order to get in contact with any Lwa at all, Legba’s blessing must be had. He blesses us immensely by opening the gates. Having one’s gates closed is not a good thing at all and can lead to many problems.
A person’s gates can be closed due to a variable number of causes. This is usually divined by the Houngan/Mambo doing the work in order to restore flow and open gates in his or her client’s life. One cause of having one’s gates closed can be Legba feeling neglected or forgotten, or he may be angry at the individual. If you have your gates closed, you will find much trouble in all areas of your life. I was given permission by a personal friend of mine to tell you what had happened to her. Allow me to recount something that happened here a few years ago."

Although there is some valuable information in this article, it is also contradictory to help the Priest make money. The thing about Papa Legba is that we can give him our own offerings and ask Him to mind our Gates if this is the Path we choose. Legba is into personal type relationships. Although i do work for Him as a person to relay what He does for me, i am only to point the way and tell folks that You don't have to pay someone else to commune with Papa Legba. You can make an altar if you wish to build a relationship or leave Him an offering at any Crossroad as payment for keeping Your Gates minded. He's flexible, but don't try to play Him because You will lose.

Papa Legba nice.jpg

Exemplore by Nightcat

"If you have arrived here, Papa Legba may be calling you. Loyal visitors will notice a lot of revamping. Papa wants the hub to be more universal because he says he has many faces. So although the original basis was pure Haitian, I'll be including stories and info about his other forms.

He is akin to Exu, Eshu, Legbara and countless other spirits. Clever Anansi, New Orleans La-Bas. Coyote, Loki, he is a trickster of a thousand forms. He is everywhere at once, so they know him in New Orleans, Africa, Haiti, South America, everywhere. But even though he has countless faces and names, Legba remains the same spirit of the crossroads.
Legba has countless forms. Most often in Haiti he is seen as an old African man. Mine of course is white as a lily (as he puts it he can pass for white, but who is anyone to tell him what color he can be?) and wears a red robe that looks more like a wizard's than anything else. Even that staff of his looks magical in the Western sense. Just not proper for Papa Legba, according to tradition. Now we humans tend to resent Legba acting like this because we want him in a box. He refuses. So he shows us he is Legba, but he is Eshu too. He is Exu. He is Coyote, he is Crow and Raven. As soon as we have that straight and accept it he will insist he is simply Legba. He stares at us with a million faces, and just when we think we have him pinned down, he leaps away from us, laughing.

He is a lot like Loki. Capable of visiting Divine Madness on people. Misue or abuse of his power always comes back on us. No matter how many times I try to stick my Legba back into the impotent old man of Haiti box, he bursts free. Dancing and singing, he taunts me, daring me to pick up the box and try again.

He reminds me he is death to some folks, a role he rather resents having given up to Baron Samedi in the new world. Then he laughs because he is Baron Samedi. No matter how many pieces we hack him into he will restore himself. He is lord of sexuality as Eshu, even worse, he is a gender-bending, shape shifting, male or female lord or lady of this power.

You do have to be careful though. You never want to call on his brother Met Kalfou. It is all well and good to have a Wiccian view and see him as a balancing power, but he is pure chaos. He can't help but bring destruction wherever he goes. In Vodoun people only deal with him to make him go away."

Bravo Nightcat, may Papa Legba open and shut all the right Gates for You and Yours +++ase+++

I was obsessed with doing some research on whether or not Legba and Baron are the same. No offense, just curious because i know about the Annunaki Ninghizzida and Nergal. I don't know, but i wonder. This research is @

Papa Legba Says.jpg

Papa Legba says that Y'all need to quit messing with these watered down catholic "Saints" and get back to da roots of Ya people

Voodoo Priest Man

"I wanted to take the time to write about this post , thanks to the TV Series 'American Horror Story' I must clarify the differences between Papa Legba and the Baron. I hear many people posting pictures of The Baron calling him Papa Legba and they are two different haitian pantheon spirits."

I serve Baron Samedi and Papa Legba separately and see different entities, but it is highly possible that These are Entities fed by belief.

It doesn't really matter how They do it, but is fun to analyze it. I LOVE Papa Legba and trust Him with everything in my life. I did get brain damage and i do have to depend on the Spirits to help me. It's not that i am so special to be the only one They will help. It's just that i am psychic and have hada bear death experience, and happen to do exorcisms so that i learned all this stuff. Yahyew's team has done apiss poor job, and there are other gods than these. It's my job to let Y'all know They are there, and CAF cool as fuck.

Papa Legba's veve can be drawn to contact Him and ask for help clearing Your crossroads as He is highly approachable.

Papa Legba's Sigul.jpg

This video is really great to get pointers
"Papa Legba, the Voodoo basics- by Spellbinding
Sisters" @

This is a great article "Papa Legba and Other Spirits of the
Crossroads" @

Peace out.

Thank You for reading about Papa Legba :) Blessed Be )O(

Papa Legba man Ellegua.jpg

Other good blogs about Papa Legba i have written are "Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up???" @

"Papa Legba OWNS 3, 6, 9 & the Cross & He Holds the Keys ~ Is He the Secrets of the Universe???" @

the days of week that i am using is @

the Orishas are introduced @

some insider info on the Orishas is provided @

some great insider info about the Exus is @


Very interesting!
I'm surprised you didn't mention any similarities with Odin as from your description they sound almost identical! There are a few differences of course, for example Odin's day of the week is Wednesday. Odin is a major trickster and shape- shifter too who loves to travel. I wouldn't be surprised if they swapped places from time to time :-)

WwowWzers !!! i bet it's the same Energy Force... Thor is so much like Chango...i KNOW the Viking Gods are real, but i was pulled here from astral.` thanks for telling me ...You're welcome to comment on the blogs abt this ...on's much safer in there....