
I just wish these small minds didn’t have such a grip on our area. It feels like we are 50 years behind the rest of the civilized world.

It usually takes outsiders moving in and pushing back hard before they start to let go. And they wont do so easily. The shop is taking the right moves, doing good in the community will win over others over time. The die-hards will not go down without a nasty fight though.

I’ve been engaged in full on war with the community leaders here for about five years over animal issues. You are right about this region being behind the rest of the world. Statistics back up that theory. I am sick of the bullshit and ready to rip the roof off the fort they’ve built to keep the world out. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and I say we let some stream in.

I believe its time for a new town council. At one of the town meetings, they talked about their rights as Christians being trespassed upon. Like, oh my Goodness, get over yourselves.

I think it's time for a new town council, new Board of Supervisors, new everything. The Mountain Mafia runs this county, and Russell, and Buchanan. We're a whole community of disorganized crime masquerading as politics. I've written about it rather extensively here:

I'll find you on FB.

If I can help in anyway with your animal rights efforts, contact me on Facebook. My name is Cheyenne Webb.