Three things:
God created the world from nothing and first He said, "Let there be light" and there was light.
God then made heaven and earth and said, "Let the earth carry plants, and fish in the sea, and the birds fly into the sky, and let the earth produce creatures and animals (I summarize, of course, , the text of Genesis is much more beautiful).
For man, God created him especially in his image and likeness.
Let's see what scientists say today.
At the beginning of time, there was an explosion of luminous energy, from which much later came the matter, the stars and their planets, the galaxies, the whole universe. The best specialists think that the universe started 5, 15 or 15 billion years ago.
On earth, life appeared, first in the waters, then there were fish, then birds, then quadrupeds (animals). Beginning, 3 billion years ago.
Perhaps fifty thousand years ago, a hundred and fifty thousand years at most, man appeared to us. It is the last coming of living beings on the earth.