in #religion6 years ago

When I was little, I was 6 years old, I asked my mother, who was Jesus? and because he was so good and wise. Mom answered me "is the son of GOD" and I a little curious and ignorant, I reserved another question, who also did not know your answer Who is GOD?
Research to answer my question, I found hundreds of things, comments, doubts, questions; each one more interesting than the other. I found resolution to many of my questions, many others are still in conflict of resolution. One of the biggest and the one I want to accommodate today is, are all sins the same?
In my head little lucid and with little comfort, my humble opinion is that no. Is the one who lies by obligation the same as the one who kills for money? Is it the same as the one who steals a bread for hunger, than the one who cheats on his wife or her husband for lust? I repeat in my head ignorant of many things it seems to me that no, the situation where individuals are involved matters as much as the degree of sin they have committed, the different situations where individuals are involved in addition to their consciousness make them act in a certain way. A man in extreme poverty, who has no conscience and is born a child, not knowing the enormous repercussions that will bring to him, and the child stops him one day and says "father, I'm hungry" and he goes to steal a piece of bread to feed his son, I can not have the same degree, the same lack or same punishment of the gaze before the eyes of God, that he who deceives his wife nothing more than by simple desire, or that That kills by envy. Do not believe that you are justifying the theft by hunger, much less, everyone will have to answer for their sins in a certain time, but we cannot see the sins without analyzing the situation.
I believe that everything must be doubted in this world, in order to draw our own conclusion, doubt everything, doubt this humble text, doubt ourselves, and rethink.
Religion for a long time told us that we must suffer on earth, to win the kingdom of God. Reading the bible I realized that the word never affirms that, on the contrary it says, work, strive and you will be rich on earth as in heaven, Jesus is my shepherd and nothing will be missing.
Sorry if with this text I offended someone, or hurt any feeling, from the bottom of my heart, I didn't do it with intent, and if I committed any sin, I confess and excuse me, but whoever is free of sin throws the first stone.humanity.jpg