There are many meanings that people put behind life. Some find meaning in their job’s. Some find meaning in their significant other. Some find meaning in their children. Some even find meaning in themselves. However, the meaning of life is to serve. Serving your God, family and community. Without service to you God you will fill empty inside. There is an emptiness that you just can’t explain. Psalm 23:2-3 “He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
There are many reasons that we serve God first however, the main reason is that we are instructed to Deuteronomy 6:5, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” And I often find this to be the hardest of all the commandments. It is natural to love one’s self above all other things however, this is something we must sacrifice for our Lord and ourselves.
Loving your spouse would be next. If you put your spouse before yourself, you will most definitely find happiness in each other. Your spouse is someone you should always cherish no matter how frustrated or angry you become with them. Keeping the line of communication open between each other and then sharing that communication between yourselves and the Lord always allows for you to be on the same page. When your spirit and your spouses spirit are entangled in the Lords love together life is much easier.
Thirdly take care of you neighbor. You are commanded to do this in the original 10 commandments. Do not hold grudges or keep ill feelings towards them. The Lord says to love your neighbor and to forgive them. He does not say to forget the trespasses but to forgive them. This is always the hardest thing for me to deal with. I as a man who has suffered from the world and by the hands of my neighbors more times than not find it very difficult to open myself up to my neighbors. Forgiving is not forgetting, keep humble and always listen to the voice that guides you.