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RE: The evolution of Adam - Partaking of the fruit and feeling naked

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Do you really believe that, or just trollin'? Because I have many children, and whenever they get busted, they do the exact same thing as Adam with the intention of passing the buck! What you've said doesn't make any sense in the context of the the Bible as a whole. Confession is met with mercy 100% of the time. If Adam had confessed instead of placing the blame elsewhere, they wouldn't have been expelled from the garden (Hosea 6:6 "...I desire mercy not sacrifice.").

Likewise, if Judas had confessed, he would have been right there with the other apostles, and his sermons would have most likely dealt heavily with the subjects of conversion and mercy. Had events played out this way, it may very well have been Judas Iscariot who would write the epistle explaining how we will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye.

edit: it just occured to me that the answer is much simpler. We can know this wasn't an innocent explaination in plain terms for one reason. You see, God didn't ask Adam "what happened?" God asked Adam explicitly "Have YOU eaten of the fruit that of which I told YOU not to eat?" The plain and simple contrite answer to this question would have been "yes father." This would have opened up the door to penence and reconciliation. The actual answer he gave was a convoluted attempt to shift the blame away from himself. This is why they were punished so harshly.

And let's not forget that Eve then, did the same thing and blamed it on the serpent!