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RE: The evolution of Adam - Partaking of the fruit and feeling naked

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

You use the word "pay" in your question. I don't know if there is a bible that uses this word for what you're asking or not. I'm too lazy to look it up now, but I've always understood this as God will not punish future generations for the sins of their fathers. This is very true as far as judgement goes. This does not mean that future generations will be immune to the evil actions of previous ones.

Example: If a man commits a serious enough crime, he will be punished with prison time or even execution if the crime is murder. He alone is being punished, yet his family and others in his life also suffer along with him. His absence means fewer resources and experiences for his children to pass down to their children which will contribute to the hardships of the next generation. This can have a ripple effect where the following generations, as a result of this crime commited by their great great great grandfather, will have had fewer resources and stories passed down. They will experience an increase in hardship developing relationships as abuse would likely follow the anger of one's father getting himself thrown in prison... I'm rambling now :D. Did this help?