Daily Scripture

in #religion7 years ago

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Today I would like to look at Romans 1 verse 18

18)The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

God does not tolerate it, if people suppress the truth. This truth is the fact that God is the only God, and if you don't acknowledge this, God will punish you.

I hope you have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria

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really an amazing verse and very inspirational one like it alot @rynow keep updating

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

amazing line "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, it's very true @rynow

this is a very great verse @rynow really so true @rynow

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

I don't believe your interpretation of this passage is correct, and it paints a picture of an angry, spiteful God that threatens people into submission.

The first problem, is that the truth being suppressed is in verses 19-20 is God's "eternal power and Divine nature," and not that "God is the only God."

The second is that the wrath in verse 18 is "being revealed" actively, not past or future tense. That means that whatever the wrath is was going on at the time Paul wrote it, but it was then being revealed. It was already going on. We don't have to guess at what the wrath was, either. It wasn't "God will punish you," it was "God gave them over." (vs 24, 26, 28) The wrath of God is Him allowing people to live in their own sins; it is God letting them suffer the consequences of their own decisions.

Fortunately, Paul goes on with the rest of Romans to explain what can be done about it. It's called the Gospel. We are all experiencing God's wrath to the extent we are in rebellion against Him. If we give in to the lusts of the flesh, we will experience the consequences of our actions. This isn't God punishing us, it is God letting us learn from the negative consequences of our own free will choices.

Thank you very much for the comprehensive feedback, with which I agree fully. Maybe we can also add that God is truly God, to "the eternal power and Divine nature".

If we read further to verse 32a)" Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death,". Thus in the end if we don't repent it will lead to death.

I try to keep things as simple as possible, and hopefully don't give up the essence of what God teaches us, through His word. I however do agree with your explanation and appreciate your comment.

The great bible verse you explained and shared to all Steemians! God bless you and your family for it!@rynow,


Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Amen, His word is the truth. Thanks for sharing!

well thanks for sharing and keep the sharing on

You are welcome, thank you very much for the comment.


Thanks for sharing @rynow

Thank you.

love to read it.

Thank you very much.

You are very correct. Do you know that even those that suppress the truth knows that God is not happy with them and still they continue in their evil act.

Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.

God bless you!

Thank you very much.

This is excellent my lady is always growing in brilliance and success in steemit thanks in order
I loved this unique subject

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Great great
This is truly something at the top of God's greatness, my Lord alone has no partner
Question Madame Dink I think like my religion

Thank you for the nice comment. (I don't understand your question)

You trully said we don't acknowledge this, God will punish we.


awesome post amezing verse like your post 😊

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Nice post! Especially to know you are a christian. I follow you

Thank you so much.

You are right God is one. Thank you for sharing Gloria.

You are welcome, thank you for the nice comment.

True words and beware of the wrath of God. Amen! The world to your home Gloria!

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Your post was very good. Thank you

Thank you very much.

Well said . Hope you have a great day too.

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Yes agreed . Nice one . Have a great day .

Thank you very much for the very nice comment.


Thank you.

The wrath of God is reveal through his word to the world

God bless you!
have good day...

Thank you so much.

Awesome.Faith it's about believing you don't know how it will happen but you know it will.Faith is like wifi it's invisible but it has the power to connect you to what you need...
stay blessed thanks for sharing the post:):)

The concept of the Kingdom of God is not the invention of Jesus. This concept is the
well known in some Jewish circles awaiting the end. This escatological2
depiction, Jewish apocalypse3
in the literature, first in the book of Daniel.
The sermon of Jesus, the eschatological drama to the extent that it avoids giving detailed descriptions and
deviates from the typical apocalyptic portrayals of the sanctity of the new age. Jesus,
To meet the future of God's kingdom and people's future
restrict the preparation to the required expression.

You are correct the Kingdom of God comes from the old testament, as the 3 Persons of God is one, They were all there from the beginning. Thank you very much for the comment.

Great dear.Thanks for sharing with us

You are welcome, thank you for the nice comment.

Good job.Keep it up

Thank you very much.

today was the bad day ever....there was protest in our university against the staff and faculty of the university :( :( :(

Sorry to hear about this, I hope you are all safe. (We also have protests at the universities here in South Africa from time to time.) All of the best.


Thank you.

God is truth and truth is God.
Those who does not appreciate the truth are the recipient of His wrath indeed.

In the end all that remains is truth...
Truth is the biggest justification in itself...God bless you my friend.

Amen, thank you so much for the very nice comment.

I have always been interested about learning other religions and their way. One of the closest of which is bible and I want to get knowledge of it. People should be open about everything.i do believe in god and so do I believe in the post you shared cause it can be related to any religion. Thanks for sharing and this is my first comment on your post. :)

Thank you so much for the very nice comment, I appreciate that you read and comment on my post.

love to read itDQmTSGxrje1rLFciHaSFAuTNBWmJMEanoeF8gKy69BachWB.png

Thank you

The truth is God's word.... how happy it is to know God made his thought known to us through the Holy scripture

*But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2 Timothy 3:1-5

We are living in perilous times where wickedness abounds. We need to pray for our enemies to be saved or they will face the eternal wrath of God.

Amen, thank you so much for the very nice comment.

You're very welcome. As a Jewish believer in Jesus as the Son of God and prophesied Messiah, I have some unique insights and understanding of the scriptures. I hope that you would take the time to check out one of my recent posts. Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays


May God bless you and all of us! Ameen! @rynow thanks for the daily sharing knowledge!

You are welcome, thank you very much for the very nice comment.

God bless you

Thank you so much.

love to read it

Thank you so much.

so informative post

Thank you very much.


Thank you.

amen, God is just and will do justice sooner or later, today in our country we want to see divine justice, I appropriate this verse and ask the Lord to shed his justice in Venezuela. Greetings God

Thank you so much for the very nice comment, I will also pray for your country.

I thank you for the good intentions, I hope we can continue sharing good material through this network, God bless you

This is one of the verses that show us that even though God is merciful he is also a God of Justice. He can not overlook the sacrifice of his beloved Son.
Your publication has a great eschatological sense.
Excellent publication.
PS: Upvoted

Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.

He is the creator that was never created. Thank you for this amazing post brother @rynow.


Thank you very much for the very nice comment.

you're welcome brother @rynow! If you like reading Christian articles feel free to check my blog sometimes.


I love to learn about this verse thanks for sharing this with us always appreciated your post.

Thank you so much for the very nice comment.

this is a very great verse ..good job.Keep it up.thanks for sharing with us..@rynow

You are welcome, thank you so much for the very nice comment.

Those who want heaven, those who fear hell also do not sleep. Paradise is surrounded by difficulties, and the world is embodied in flavor and sensuality. Its flavor and lust keep you from heaven

We need to stay away from the bad ways of the world, thank you for the nice comment.

Life is short. In the eternal life of the Hereafter, things that people will encounter are still connected to the world. The wise, who can see the future, in the short world, always does things that cause good and comfortable life in the hereafter. He works to serve people. To do good to people will cause the least in the Hereafter to escape and the Heavenly blessings to increase.

Thank you for the comment.

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