Today I would like to look at Isaiah 41 verse 13
13)For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
God takes His people by the hand, like a parent takes a small child by the hand, and we have to fear noting as God will help us.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria
God takes His people by the hand, like a parent takes a small child by the hand, and we have to fear noting as God will help us. great one @rynow keep it up ☺
Thank you so much for the nice comment
This is a great verse from Bible and you explained it further well. God bless you and your family.@rynow,
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Amen :)
Have a wonderful day too :)
Thank you.
God loves us so much. It's the real truth.
Thanks for sharing @rynow
Thank you so much for your participation. I appreciate your great effort
I loved this very much thanks
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment
amazing lines really true na good one... god bless you ☺😊
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Yeah, you don't be fear about your own-self, make heat strength
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Yes you are right...god take people by the a parent takes a small child by the hand..your post is always good..may god bless you. @rynow
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Oh, yes, everything is in God's hands and must follow it. Amen! Peace to your home Gloria!
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment
With God we have nothing to fear,God bless you @rynow
God takes His people by the hand, like a parent takes a small child by the hand, and we have to fear noting as God will help he will surly help us.thank you @rynow
You are welcome.
With God all things are possible...God is our protection and only him can save us..
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment
Only by believing in God, God will lead you on the right path. Thank you for sharing.
Wow great verse..always so knowledgeable post..may god bless you😊
Thanks for sharing @rynow
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Amen!!! resteemed
Thank you so much.
god always say Do not fear; I will help you. good one keep it up @rynow amazing ..
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment
faith of religion....
best of luck teamsouthafrica
Thank you so much.
Indeed the truth!
Now looking forward to contribute like your work for the sake of other!!
Just need your little support for my posts! I always looks your daily scripture as they are always wonderful @rynow!
Thank you so much.
Please do have a look at my first post!!
With God we have nothing to fear,God bless you @rynow
Great post...Loved your religious passion and gald to see this amazing lines...@rynow
Thank you so much for the nice comment
It was my honor..@rynow
good post . thx for sharing ♥ following you ♥
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment.
Good post...
Thank you so much.
Extraordinary verse.Always so learned post.
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Thank you very much @rynow for these words of faith that relieve
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment.
Its' great christian faith. Nice one @rynow.
Thank you.
good one
Thank you.
Thanks for shared Isaiah 41 verse 13 of bible.
You are welcome.
Faith is the road which takes us to the god :)
Awesome scripture...I'd like really these one. Thanks for inspiration me @rynow.
Thank you so much for the nice and encouraging comment.
lovely click @rynow thanks for share
The photo is from the internet, the source is provided.
Fortune favor the braver, try to be passion
Thank you so much for the nice comment
thanks for daliy scripture nice post @rynow
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment
Thank you for sharing
You are welcome.
Thank you.Have a nice day to you too.
You are welcome, thank you for reading and commenting.
thanks for sharing..
You are welcome.
love to read it...
Thank you so much.
God is truly amazing!

Thanks for sharing..
You are welcome.
loved this like always
Thank you.
Amen nicely said !
Thank you so much for the nice comment
god bless you nice post dear :)
Thank you so much.
Wow,what a great passage Bro.Rynow, God is so Faithful :-) Amen,God is good.
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Amen and how always great job.
Thank you so much for the nice comment
That's true when you have faith in prayers, I really feel like I need a physical hand because it feels like everything is falling down. But anyway sometimes life brings hopes and that's what keeps us going.
Keep on praying, I will also pray for you.
Thanks of sharing us :)
@upvote and @Resteem
You are welcome.
keep it up :)
@rynow...nice good true words..feeling holicly..god saves us...thank you for sharing with us...have a nice day
Thank you so much for the nice comment
Yes,without God's help we can't move a single step!.....Amen
@rynow - Sir god bless you, this is a good verse from Bible...
Thank you so much for the nice comment