Today I would like to look at Hebrews 9 verse 27 to 28
27)Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
28)so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins, when Jesus return to earth all of us who believes that he died to save us will be saved and live for eternity.
I hope you have a wonderful day. May God Bless you.
Soli Deo Gloria
Another great verse from Bible and well shared + explained. God bless you and your family!@rynow,
He is coming back again, what a great hope we have!
Amen. friend @rynow,You are a great person to post to me about your religion. It is very good that you will be with you all the time
We are committed to sin again and again with out facing the fear of judgment day, give us knowledge and path way for good side, amen.
Beautiful words, our thoughts and words about Jesus should be respectful. Amen! Peace to your home Gloria! thank you my dear friend @rynow.i appreciate your great thought..
Great verse dear.
God forgive us the judgement day. Amen
Extraordinary good verse from Bible & expressed. God bless you.
Great versus @rynow
spirit are comes very simple and precious when it join with church, amen.
Your all posted is so nice and we'll done because your almost all posted on religious topic
I appreciate to your post .god bless you @rynow
Amen.Thanks for sharing daily scripture content @rynow.
This is very beautiful
May Allah bless you
Thank you for reading and commenting, but as a Christian, I only believe in the one living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Very religious thoughts...God bless you @rynow!!
Wonderful writing.... You are a good person....
Thanks for sharing @rynow....
Great and amazing bible scriptures @rynow.
that's very helpful post!!
May God bless you @rynow...
Amen, god bless you. Thank you for sharing with us
Thank you so much for sharing,amen
100% like and resteem
Thanks a lot for your golden words,amen.
Thanks a lot for sharing,amen.
your post is helpful for a christian. Amen....
Indeed sister
Thanks a lot for your holy words,amen.
Thanks a lot for your words,amen.
Ameen God bless you
Thank you so much.
Great gospel verse and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is the reason why we need to do go and flee from sin @rynow
very well post.. your all post best..i like your all post..
God is so crazy when we come to earth all are happy . When we go to god all are cry. No one escape from good. Ameen😑😑😑.
What do u say????
When Jesus return to earth, He will judge everybody, nobody will be spared, and only the believers will be saved and live for eternity with Jesus.
Ameen greatest thinking about religious post
He sacrificed himself to take away our sins, he is pure goodness.
God bless you.
Amen.. only Jesus saves.. thank you for sharing His word..
God bless you and your family
Thank you so much.
God bless you.@rynow, Thanks for sharing Hebrews 9 verse 27 to 28 of Bible word.
Good day, the glory be for the father, excellent testimony that seeks to guide us to eternal life, and that we understand because Jesus Christ died on the cross, it depends on us that his sacrifice is not in vain, I have the faith and hope to enjoy eternal life, I am Venezuelan and we are going through the worst crisis that we ever imagined, however we endure with stoicism the hardships that we are going through, when I think I am faint, I remember everything that Jesus suffered for us, I am filled with faith, and I keep going, thanks for that publication that fills with much hope and faith. @rynow
Thank you so much for sharing, I will pray for you and your country.
Amen God bless her @rynow
what a moment!!
That is amazing!!............
Amen!Thanks to posted daily scripture content @rynow.
God has made us all. Death and life are in his hands only.