Today I would like to look at 2 Peter 3 verse 10
10)the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
The fact that the day the Lord will come again, will be unexpected, must urge us to to live our daily lives in such away that we are ready to meet Jesus when He come.
For the non-believers this day will be a terrifying day, but for Christians it will be a joyful day.
Have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria
I pray it will be joyful for us if only we are in Christ as our Lord and Saviour...
Amen, thank you very much for the nice comment.
My prayers is that we'll all be counted worthy at the coming of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for sharing @rynow
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.
Have a wonderful day you too @rynow
Thank you so much.
A great verse from Bible and you explained it very well! God bless you and your family my friend!@rynow,
Thank you very much.
Hello @rynow,
Extraordinary good verse & nicely described. God bless you.
Thank you so much.
Have a nice day Thanks @rynow
Thank you.
Since Christ will return in frightening judgment, we must live in holiness in light of that day.
How wonderful it will be to be transformed, and to see Christ face to face and to have our redemption all completed! This is what we call our 'lively hope' (1 Peter 1:3) - a hope that will motivate us to press on now, as we prepare for the Rapture!
Amen, thanks for the nice comment.
Are there things in our life that we need to change? Look at yourself now! Are you all that you should be? If you are not, then you'd better hurry and get yourself ready, because Jesus is coming soon!
That is a good question, and one we will almost always fail, but we must pray to God for help.
That hope becomes a transforming reality in this life, resulting in God being glorified through us (1 Corinthians 10:31). The blessed hope brings us joy and cheers us through the trials of this world. It should also cause us to stop and evaluate our thinking, words, and actions.
Amen, thank you for the great comment.
Yeah it will sure be joyful. It is that moment in time when we will finally be united with the Lord Jesus Christ.
In fact, we have God's assurance given to us in 2 Peter 2:9 'The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.' This assurance is demonstrated in God's protection of Noah and his family who were kept safe in the Ark, while the rest of the world perished in the Great Flood (Genesis 6:17,18).
Amen, thank you for the great comment.
Dearly beloved, do you know that the ultimate purpose that God has for you and for me is to become like the Lord Jesus Christ in every way? In Christian living, our aim is to be fully conformed to the moral likeness of Christ - to become righteous as He is righteous, and holy as He is holy. In our thinking, our goal is to develop minds that think the way that the Lord Jesus Christ did.
Amen, thank you for the great comment, we as humans fail to accomplish this, but we must pray for help from God to help us live our live righteous.
All we should say is that the Rapture is imminent! This imminency must keep us in a state of constant expectancy, always looking for the coming of the Lord. The imminency of Christ's return has been a beacon of eternal hope within the heart of every believer in Christ since the first century, and given them every motivation to be prepared to meet with Christ.
Amen, thank you so much for the great comment.
How wonderful for us it will be, to be exactly like Jesus Christ in all aspects of His life! There can be no greater joy and satisfaction to the soul than this.
its right @rynow. Thanks sharing good day. i like your post.
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
excellent verse & well defined it. impressive post & god bless you @rynow
Thank you very much for the nice comment.
amen, to be blessed.
Thank you so much.
Yes, we have to live our lives, but at the same time it's good to wait for Him
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
My pleasure @rynow!
Thanks for sharing 2 Peter 3 verse 10 of bible. You're nicely explained it.
You are welcome, thank you for the nice comment.
For your post propagation.
Thank you very much.
amen. thanks for sharing
Thank you very much.
It's nice scripture post @rynow.
Thank you so much.
AmenThank for sharing Daily scripture post @rynow. Scripture need to our life.
You are welcome, thank you for the nice comment.
Thank you.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
amen :)
Thank you very much.
super awesome post thanks for it :)
You are welcome, thank you so much for the nice comment.
remain awake for the purpose of religious observance.that was great to read ........///////
Thank you very much for the nice comment.
Good Post Thank for sharing
Thank you very much.
such a joyful day for me for sure
Thank you very much for the nice comment.
we should wait for that times and should keep doing good deeds :)
The second coming of Jesus Christ is the blessed hope of His followers. Looking forward to that great day! Amen!
Amen, thank you so much for the nice comment.
good post great teaching :) thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for the nice comment.
love to read it..
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
Upvote resteem
Thank you so much.