Coronal mass ejection.
Yes, there will be earthquakes, meteors, and all the other things spoken of in scriptures but none will compare to what the sun can (and will) do to our planet. Our magnetic field is weakening and even threatening to flip. Coronal mass ejections that have happened in the recent past were of little effect. These same coronal mass ejections today would be devastating due to our weakened magnetic field.
Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
This coronal mass ejection has been prophesied in modern times and will look something like this:
Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Much of our atmosphere will be blown away, or pealed off, "as a scroll when it is rolled together".
Ok I could not reply to ur original question about Islam there so here is my answer. first of all when a Muslim does something wrong it's not upto another Muslim to judge him, instead are advice to hide his brothers sins, an't that what Jesus P.B.U.Him teached let those without sins cast the first stone. so why must a Muslim condon another Muslims because the sinned so do we but if we hide each other's sins God will hide our own sins. but one must repent to God and God alone. Tell me why do Christians go to a priest or what the call father "bless me for I have sinned" and confess they sin to a man who also sins himself. and not ask God directly to forgive his sins. I thought u have the holly spirit in you and God talks to you. and how can u commit sins since u have the holly spirt in you?
Well this really had nothing to do with forgiveness of sins, it was about people killing each other over unfounded and unsubstantiated nonsense.
Sorry my comment was for scarecrow22 and not ur post just could not reply to his original comment on different post.