Shadow of My Words.
Life's changes.
Sometimes in your life, you have to go through changes some good and some bad. The good ones we love and accept and never ask questions about but the bad ones are the ones we struggle with. We tend to ask why me, could God not have foreseen it.
Should we not have the same attitude in dealing with good or bad changes. Yes, we should try even if it is difficult. I know some are going to think and say it is easier said than done. I, myself are dealing with a situation at the moment that is upsetting and sad but being negative about it is not going to change it only make it worst.
When I feel down and forget the blessings I still have I like to read John 1:16 "Out of the fullness of His grace He has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another. The Lord favours us and showers us with blessings. He is a good Father and looks after us every day.
Waking up, having food, going to work or school, having clothes to wear are all blessings and many more, that we have to be thankful for. So next time when you go through the bad changes first look at the blessings you have before you become negative.
Thank you, God, for still blessing me even if I sometimes do not see it.
You are very inspiring. I hope and pray that you will get through whatever it is that you have to deal with currently. Just keep believing.