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RE: Christians are about to get their heads handed to them.

in #religion8 years ago

I do not understand how you have not made the connection to Islam with all is information you have presented.

The fact that you still use the name "ISIS" Kind of shows me how little you actual know on the subject.

but I get it, has nothing to do with the religion of peace. daily terror attacks around the world in the name of Allah (aids be upon him) but naw, its not islam. people yelling out allah akabar while killing people , naw nothing to do with religion. -smh-

im not saying the government isn't crooked but the American crooked goverments is just a small factor on the world wide jihad that has been going on for centuries.

It is a death cult. also everything you presented had nothing to do with the post or the priest getting his head chopped off by a muslim.

i like all the vids though and do not disagree with them. isis is the boogy man created by the us, if you look at this it actually shows the picts of them fighting both sides and even meeting with high ups in the government.

What you are bringing into the conversation is a completely different subject. unless your trying to say USA started islam, and that's an insane statement. xD

thanks for the awesome vids.
check out the post (its just a vid of daboo777) it shows all the main isis people working both sides. it blew my mind because someone actualy did research on each person in every picture and made some amazing connections. it will prolly blow your mind like it did mine. xD

