I would like to talk to you about the subject of ʻhealingʼ. The New Testament records for us many encounters that Jesus had with people who had various things wrong with them. Jesus met people who had been blind from birth and He miraculously gave them their sight. He also healed the deaf, lame and many people suffering from leprosy. He even raised the dead, most famously His friend Lazarus!
Questions about Healing
The subject of healing raises many questions for both Christian believers, agnostics and atheists. Some want to know why sickness and suffering afflict people if God is good and all powerful. Some people who are ill are tempted to blame themselves for being sick, feeling they must have upset God in some way and that He is punishing them through their sickness. I know some people have wondered why I have Parkinsonʼs Disease as Iʼm a vicar and therefore must be in Godʼs good books and immune from sickness.
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