
because if you realized that, then you wouldn't just write it off.

Bu there are hundreds if not thousands of nomadic, pre-science, oral-tradition creation stories in the world. Most of these are shaped by their individual surroundings and cultures.

I write them all off as early humanity attempting to explain its place in the world.

Why do you pick and choose which ones you decide to buy into? Is it simply the ones you were exposed to early in life? Late in life? Had you been exposed to different ones, would you even notice?

you should start by giving me a good reason why any of those creation stories should be tossed aside simply because they were nomadic, pre-science oral traditions.
You might not agree with this, but I don't think human nature has changed much (like NOT AT ALL) since these guys were around. I have been exposed to various different origin stories, and I find value in all of them.
Just because people think they've discovered the HOWs of creation, doesn't mean they should ignore the WHYs.

I wouldn't necessarily toss them aside. They have value, and equal value. They are like bubble gum. You chew out the value and discard it. You don't make a religion out of any one of them.

I would agree human nature has not changed that much. However, human knowledge has changed a great deal. We know that angry deities don't create thunder or cause a flood.

As for the 'whys' of creation, that is completely up to you to determine. So, carry on the way you'd like. :D