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RE: Entropy vs Christ (A scientific basis for Jesus Christ Part II)

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

The sad thing is you haven't taken the time to understand what it's all about. You are reacting emotionally to a false strawman of your own that you have erected. The only part you got right is your quote from John 3:16 but it is clear you do not understand it.

And by the way, people who pass on Jesus will get exactly what they asked for. That's the Plan.


So after being raised as a christian, attending church and a christian school until the age of 16, being constantly educated by Christians, I don't understand what it's all about?

It's you who doesn't understand what it's all about. Here are some simple, cold hard facts:

Jesus didn't say that there was anything wrong with slavery. He told slaves to submit to their masters. Slavery persisted for over 1800 years in christian countries. People who "followed Jesus" were slavers. It took until 1833 for people to go beyond the teachings of Jesus and abolish slavery on the basis of the suffering being caused.

Vicarious redemption is an archaic, primitive moral system. The idea that one person's suffering atones for another person's sins, and in any way improves the situation, is obviously dumb. It's also obvious where the idea comes from in ancient, uneducated cultures.

"whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" is self explanatory. If something else was meant, then it would have been written differently. But let me guess, we're supposed to interpret it in a way other than it is literally written, to extract the true, nuanced meaning from this piece of ancient text written by a primitive human being with little to no education at a time where being able to count to 20 would qualify you as an intellectual.

It's 2016, we can do so much better than the crude teachings of Jesus.

Show me where Jesus endorsed slavery.
He, and his apostles, did have instructions for those who found themselves in that status - which is very similar to their instructions to those of us who find themselves subject to a modern government. Those instructions were to accept your situation (including the status of women in those days) and focus on eternal issues. Jesus did not come the first time to change all the institutions of humanity (that is coming soon). He had a specific mission to accomplish and he did not want His disciples getting involved in politics and revolution. He had bigger fish to fry.

Vicarious redemption is far older than "archaic". It is older than "primordial". It has been God's plan before time began.

It is the one thing that puts man into the right relationship of dependence on God. Without that we tend to elevate ourselves to a place where we eventually rebel against God. He's had quite enough of that with Satan and his angels.

So this world is a test range to see who will make that simple attitude adjustment. The test is so simple it doesn't need any updating to 2016.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

I stand by the term "endorse". It's a straight-forward, honest interpretation of what was written. A genuinely enlightened, intelligent and morally good person in a position of influence would have explained how people should be treated equally and not possessed as property. Instead, Jesus clearly supports slavery.

which is very similar to their instructions to those of us who find themselves subject to a modern government. Those instructions were to accept your situation (including the status of women in those days) and focus on eternal issues
This is a casual attempt to dismiss and belittle an enormous problem. Being subject to a modern government doesn't involve being raped, beaten, imprisoned etc. This was the reality for many slaves. This isn't a trivial issue that can be dismissed. A few simple words from Jesus could have dramatically improved the situation and prevented years of brutal suffering.

*It is the one thing that puts man into the right relationship of dependence on God. Without that we tend to elevate ourselves to a place where we eventually rebel against God. He's had quite enough of that with Satan and his angels.

So this world is a test range to see who will make that simple attitude adjustment. The test is so simple it doesn't need any updating to 2016.*

Do you realise how bizarre this belief is? It's like something from Lord of the Rings. Angels, Demons, Satan, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Yahweh...
Yahweh needed to sacrifice his son to himself so he could forgive humans who have been told he exists and unquestioningly believed it, in order to give them eternal life - while those that are sceptical of his existence, regardless of whether they are morally good or not, are doomed to eternal punishment. Why not just forgive people without having your son tortured? Why not just forgive everyone, instead of favouring believers over unconvinced sceptics? Also, what's the significance of Jesus being tortured? Many people have been tortured, more brutally so and for much longer periods of time. Yet no one claims that their torture has a bearing on the misdemeanours of the entire of humanity.

Actually The Lord of the Rings is an allegory based on Biblical themes, not the other way around.

Nobody else is sinless so nobody else could offer themselves as a substitute since they would already be doomed by their own sins. Jesus had to first live a sinless life before he was qualified to be the Lamb of God.

The reason he doesn't just forgive everybody is because there needs to be repentance and admission of the need to be saved. Quite frankly, he wants to eliminate people with attitudes like yours. So the things that the world finds foolish are the very things that separate the sheep from the goats. Until you appreciate the kind of love that would do that for people who don't deserve it, you do not yet have the attitude that will allow God to ignore what you (and I) have done.

Given these facts, the only fatal sin is rejecting God's help out of arrogance or unbelief or desire to be in charge of your own life.

As for slaves, I have told you already. It wasn't on Jesus' agenda at the time and that's His choice to make.

Now come on, really, given all the things you have done wrong in your life do you really presume to lecture the Lord Jesus on what His priorities should have been? And are you holding out on Him because He doesn't meet your standards?

Sadly, that is the state of Man and why God needs to have a simple filter to separate that attitude from the attitude God intends to save as members of His family for all eternity.

"Seek the Lord while He may be found."