For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. This is indeed our true nature. And this is our true relationship with God. It's a spirit to Spirit communion. Hallelujah! The flesh is grounded on the rock of condemnation. It wasn't so from the beginning, but the fall of man delivered the flesh into the hands of the devil. And it is his sharpest weapon for condemnation. But glory to God, now I am in Christ, the flesh doesn't decide who I am. Hallelujah! I am a spirit man.
I love the middle phrase of this verse. It says, and we rejoice in Jesus Christ. This is awesome. It means as long as I have Jesus in me, I have come to a place of joy. It doesn't matter the happenings of my physical environment. It doesn't matter my condition in life, my joy is constant. As long as Jesus is alive I rejoice. No pain, no sorrow, no regrets, no condemnation for I rejoice in Jesus. He is our confidence. Looking into Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Judge things from the spirit not the flesh and you will rise a champion over life. Amen
DWELLERS GOLD#Pastor_Benjamin
Join us on Saturday, 5th August for The Gathering'17 at KNUST, Republic Hall @10am. 0245486592.
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Thanks for sharing, i really like this
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Nice one bro
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Kindly do same