I am starting to break out in hives.. my allergic reaction to bullshit is kicking in.
There is an op/ed piece in the Wall Street Journal written by Albert Mohler about homosexuality. Here is the link so you can read it.
Man, the religious elite just do not understand the book in which they read and preach. Basically, this article is saying that we as followers of Christ need to go out and change the behavior of everybody that does not fit our certain ideals. Man does that piss me off.
You read it, is that what you get out of it?
Here is my comment to this article (for what is worth, which is not much) …
As followers of Christ (His Church), we should stop looking at homosexuality as an “us versus them” mentality. If we do something “to” them or “for” them it makes us look better than them and we are here to help them be like us. Like us? Thats is a joke.. we are all sinners.
Instead why do we not have a “with them” mentality. Isn’t it about the “one anothers”. Love and encourage one other. Be “with” them in their lives and stop being so judgmental of their lifestyle. Show them who Christ is by being His Hands and His Feet and together we all will show God to the world.
Do not get me wrong. I personally believe a gay lifestyle is sinful.
However, Our goal as Christ-followers (His Church) is not to try to jam everyone into whatever our behavioral ideals might be, but to lovingly help people reconnect with God. That is what I mean by being “with” them.
I think this to be true in all types of relationships, but we must be deliberate in building a strong bond with the gay community as it has been so misunderstood by the conservative religious elite community (the system with in the “houses of worship”).
If we simply focus on loving gay people with the goal of helping each other nurture healthy relationships with God (being with them in community with Christ as the head…that is what we all want, right?), we can relax and trust that God will lead each of us as His Church down whatever path is right for Him.
I cannot remember who said this, but it was along the lines of “The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict, It is God’s job to judge, and our job as follower of Him to love.”
So I guess we love “with” each other, because it is not our job to change them.
This subject is definitely a toughie!!!!
You are absolutely right that Jesus single new commandment was that we are to love one another.
Part of that love is getting everyone the information necessary to achieve eternal life - that means first believing and then obeying because of that belief.
These are the essential things that Jesus Himself requires of us: in His own words (John 3:16-20)
So, clearly, Jesus tells us that there are deeds that are evil. That would include my own heterosexual desire to mate with half the world's population.
Somebody has to communicate to everyone the things that offend God. Jesus tasked his disciples with the following Great Commission:
So obedience is important. This included obeying the above command. So when a disciple of Jesus attempts to teach others to obey all that Jesus commanded them, they go forth and do that, not out of hate, but out of obedience and love.
Not loving someone is not caring enough to endure the ridicule and scorn that comes from those who love the darkness so that we can get them the information that they need to have eternal life.
Thanks for reading! And thanks for the feedback. good stuff