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RE: About the Hindu gods in Mauritius

in #religion6 years ago

I feel slightly stumped at reading that the Hindu religion has something like 33000000 (thirty three million) gods.

Actually, if one reads the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas, all of the many religions that fall under the umbrella of "Hinduism" have only one God. However, that one God can appear in an unlimited number of forms. It's similar to how the Jewish scriptures describe their God as a "spirit, walking through the Garden of Eden" in Genesis, but then later appearing as a "burning bush" to Moses, then appearing as a disembodied finger writing on a wall to the prophet Daniel, and so forth. One God, many forms/aspects.

The first of your photos is definitely Ganesh/Ganesha, as you said, and then Hanuman in the second photo! The third and fouth photos are different representations of Lakshmi/Laxshmi, the personification of Abundance of spiritual gifts. The one you thought to be Shiva is actually the consort of Shiva in her representation as Kali, who does battle with the demons that wreak havoc on mankind. The last is Nandi, the bull, upon which Shiva sometimes rides and guards the place where Shiva lives.

I like the photos of the spot on the beach, especially that last one! Such a lovely area! Thank you for getting all those photos together in a post and tagging me! 😃