
@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!!
Wow just Wow!!!

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!!
Wow just Wow!!!

Not biting the bait T-Liar but I will reply to myself so that you don't get paid. Is this you on the right hand side of this photo? Sure looks like you belong to that evil filthy cult that is plastered all over the internet. Here is the link once again as proof T-Liar belongs to an evil filthy cult

Nice timcat. You will face God on judgement day right next to oldcodge. I would certainly think long and hard before smearing any church.

The stuff you write could be all lies. It could be that you are just starting hellfire under your behind.

I would never mess with such things.

And it is absolutely NOTHING like the church that I know and attend. Either people are seriously lying or its a parallel universe. Cause I have never seen anything but the King James Bible being taught in its fullness.

By the way, timcat - last I looked, it was a free country. Did not soldiers fight and die for the freedom of religion in this country?

Is not the freedom of religion part of the American Constitution?

Do I not have the right to worship as I feel without being harassed and persecuted?

Or did you guys just make yourselves judge, jury and executioner?

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!! Wow just Wow!!!

I told you the teachings. Anything you say is just filthy spit.

@thediyworld You appear to not follow those teachings, are full of HATE and my comments are NOT 'filthy spit'. I have a great attention to detail, observe the vile filthy things YOU DO to all around you. These are things YOU DID, Mr. Religious. Your wife had C-section 2 weeks ago, should do nothing physical for way more than two weeks. You abuse everyone around you.

haaa so you say troy is full of hate ? its you lot full of hate , go away pratt and grow up, when you finally accept your own failings then come back, your just a idiot, and like codger you need to be taught a lesson in life, which will come to you soon

Troy Reid is a lying scumbag conman and weasel.

How would you like to teach me a lesson

Blessed are those that are Persecuted for their faith.
I know what you are going through Troy, I am a Mormon Convert.

So tell me why are all you deeply religious clowns here trying to scam people out of their money.
Go ahead and befriend the scum sucking con man by the name of Troy Reid who hides behind his phony religious belief to reel in the suckers.

gilholey , you are a idiot sir,
do you really believe that most people give a damn what you and your cult says about troy and most others ?
and if i or others decide to send things to troy or any one else, what the fuck has it to do with you ?
your just a trouble maker,

Apparently you care enough to comment .
Did you get all triggered.
Be Careful

Why are all you scamming religious zealots on the internet fleecing people.

@thediyworld Your above writings about putting women first is very strange and against the teachings of your church. I believe your wife has to follow steps behind you when walking. Your latest video you made your wife move a washing machine, heavy container of water and clothes hundreds of yards to your shed for a cheap video. Your wife is fresh out of hospital with a caesarian section operation 2 weeks ago. She shouldn't be moving anything. Are you trying to rip her incision open??? Where is your brain, conscious or LOVE!!!! Wow just Wow!!!

Actually you must be thinking about the wrong religion

The baby is now 6 weeks old so your timing is way OFF.

Melanie pulled a tiny little wagon. She did not lift or pick up anything. But you saw me lifting everything on video myself so you know that.

Is the baby still sleeping in a Tupperware container? You showed that on video.
Can you show us where the baby sleeps now or are you to ashamed to show your real daily life videos.