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RE: A SIMPLE DEFENSE OF RELIGION - Atheism, Scientism, and Statism Exposed

in #religion8 years ago

I certainly don't, which was much my point- but it was the process of hypothesis itself I wanted to juxtapose to the experience of religious faith- dark energy was a useful example as the math underpinning it ISN'T empirical evidence. There's absolutely nothing empirical supporting the hypothesis YET- which a doctrinaire mind can quickly construe as bullshit. My question was leading.
Maybe you haven't run into the very many people (there's a lot in my age cohort) who label themselves "atheists" but for whatever personal reason have taken on an anti-theistic jihad, every bit as irrational as the most stupidly blinded fundamentalist- I suppose Doc has, I know I have. This is not to generalize, because I have atheist (or at least very well-read agnostic) friends I'll spar with, or just hang out with, and this is no cause for animosity.
I'll take it "on faith" those anti-theists are the people he's addressing...