Unto Him shall my spirit cleave.
The Lord is my refuge, my shelter in the days of disaster,
The shadow of His presence gives me security.
I shall not forsake the Lord
(For he is good and His favours extends unto everlasting).
May I rather be consumed in the worship of my creator?
The Lord, my God, He alone remains faithful and merciful, never despising the voice of the broken-spirited.
His saving grace is immeasurable
And His goodnesses are abounding unto posterity.
Blessed be the Lord my King,
May Your Light glow in me renewing my strength in You
And lead my feet further into Your presence.
As the rainbow art royal,
So art thou royal.
Stand on royalty,
Wear on royalty,
And may thy blessings in multiples be.
Good poem, keep it up @udomu