It touches the spirit having eaten all of the flesh.
Run, thence, flee when a woman begins to interest you.
She has it in her eyes,
She has it in her hands,
Her mouth never refrains from lure.
Evan the babe woman will cause you restlessness.
The circle of her embrace,
The kisses of her lips,
The look of her watery eyes has each a danceable tune.
Beautiful tunes of joy they were meant to be.
But how, pity, how she lost the miracle, held ransom for the blood of One.
One who can be not entangled?
One who can be not enticed.
Though fled he when she came for came he in the flesh.
And thence paid the blood, the ransome price
For the peace, joy and greater love.
Love which bears the fruitful vine,
Love that gives birth to a miracle.
Grateful, grateful, oh ransomed One
For the lure is gone
And the love comes
No more shall the affliction be.
He shall no more flee from her.
Her fragrance shall encircle him,
A protection shall her embrace be,
From her lips shall wise counsels proceed.
She shall be a companion worth more than a friend
She shall be loved and genuinely same do
And their love shall produce miracle.
Food for thought. Well done @udomu
Thanks for your good posts, I followed you!