Allah says in the Quran.....
O you who believe! Spend, out of what We have provided for you before the Day comes when there would be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession (without Allah’s permission). (al-baqarah: 254)
which means.....(excerpts taken from fazail e sadaqat)
It means that there shall be no selling or buying on that Day to enable you to buy virtues from others, nor would there be any friend to intercede or entreat on your behalf. In short, all means of help from any source shall cease. If anything is to be done for that Day, now is the time to do it and to sow the seed; that Day shall be the day of harvest. Whatever is sown shall be reaped, whether it be grain or flower, thorn or firewood! It is a matter for all to ponder and to examine what each one is sowing?
any person can deny alot ... but none can deny DEATH... HEREAFTER....
SO who will succeed in the here and hereafter...
pics tken from GOOGLE search.......