
Last time I checked racism was to discriminate against someone because of their ethnicity not because you don't want people near you that want you dead...

Once upon a time there was a scorpion that wanted to cross a flooded river. He could not swim and would drown. On his side of the shore the ground was disappearing under the water. If he did does not leave then he would drown.

He saw a dog that was about to swim to the safety of the other shore.
"Help me! I need to get to the other side before I drown."

The dog shook his head. "I will not. You will sting me."

"I will not! If I sting you then I will drown."

The dog conceded this point of logic and allowed the scorpion to climb on his back. He got into the water and the scorpion had to sit on the dog's neck and head in order to stay out of the water.

When they were halfway across the scorpion suddenly struck out with it's tail and stung the dog on it's neck.

As the dog's body began to cramp up because of the poison, he looked at the scorpion as they began to sink. "Why did you do it? Now we will both die."

To this the scorpion could only say: "It's in my nature."

They both sank and died...

... I guess that dog was just too racist.

Didn't know there was a song about this haha = )


There must be defined boundary set. A place beyond which the answer is "no" and must always remain "no".

I have managed to be kind and generous to people varied in race and origin. Very recently even. I consider myself as 'fair'.

I was asked recently why I would refuse to give a lift to a staff member right into the township where he stayed.

I flatly refused. It is too dangerous. This guy is afraid of walking there by himself because the criminals of his own race will rob him.

For me to drive into an area I am not welcome I may be attacked on zero grounds and afterwards, when officials ask questions over my cold hard corpse the question will be: "But what was he doing in this neighborhood?" It would be my own fault in other words.

If refusing to give that lift into a black settlement is considered racist then my survival dictates to me that I should be racist then...

I've been wondering how the German people feel about what's happening to their country. The debt levels of the EU are ballooning and more and more migrants are coming over. There is no way this is going to have a happy ending.


I was just in Germany in 2016 and was talking to someone from Berlin who told me she was afriad to walk down the street at night now because it's getting so bad. The only way the Germany and the rest of the EU are going to fix this problem is through the people rising up to do something. I'm sure you saw what happened in Italy where the anti-migrant party won and the pm blocked them from taking power and installed his own intern pm who was an IMF banker. The people need to get loud enough so that the government can't keep them suppressed before its too late.

@valorforfreedom, I don't know you, but I have to agree with the form of nationalism you are presenting. It's the reason borders were established to begin with. I don't believe it makes on "racist" to want their country to preserve some fucking boundaries. I don't hate anyone because of their color, and I never will. But I may be extremely uncomfortable around them depending on their beliefs or behavior. And I certainly don't trust that governments and corporations have enough of a grip on reality to deal with the mess they are creating by knocking down these boundaries. It's all for the economy, at the end of the day. And the decisions being made are catering to a fiat economy. It's a shit-storm waiting to happen. Many experts are already declaring that Europe will be overtaken by Muslims in the near future. This is a totally feasible scenario in my opinion, not to mention a horrifying one. I don't think the politically correct masses really grasp what kind of doom this could spell for everyone who is not Muslim. Regardless, if and when it happens, it will be the result of allowing a fiat economy to hold the bottom-line on who gets to survive. That's never a good scenario. I believe the disaster known as the Nazi Party proved how badly a financed Reich can go down the wrong path, and lose their focus, and self-destruct.

Dang, I love posts like this.

It's not about hating anyone, it's about not being a moron and a pushover to serve someone else's crazy rules.

Why does The Left collect more racist statistics on populations than any other group of people? So they can spin the best ones into a narrative and call it FACT.

I don't care how many facts the self-proclaimed intellectuals shove in my face if it means I have to ignore the elephant in the room. They call themselves intellectuals now because they enjoy insulting the intelligence of everyone who disagrees.

ye me to, a hate social media currently you can not say anything anymore without getting a witch hunting for you

By the way, nice to hear from you again @norwegianbikeman. I was really enjoying the @cryptoempire RPG game until it got thrown under the bridge. I would have kept playing it if they just kept it as a basic roleplay game. When it turns more into a vote buying/contest/delegation community, it gets too sticky to keep everyone participating, because everyone has a different opinion when their money is at stake. Anybody still do simple roleplay games on steemit without the contest/delegation stuff?

The discord group was had so many channels and bots, I could not find a place to really make friends with anyone of similar interests. I recall there was often background talk of EOS.

yes a miss it to. a have been in the discord for some time. a think @spiritualmax its working on shomting but atm he is on a brake.
a had so many plans on my player..:(
dont now if its any games...

Rock on Phil!

The truth needs to be spread. = )

I don't think it is racist at all to not want to be around people that want to kill you. We don't see anything on the mainstreem media about what is going on but I get stuff on line. Looks like europe as a whole needs to do some spring cleaning. They have a lot of shit going wrong.

Religion is the curse of humanity, humans are already divided by skins and boundaries but religions made it worse and volatile. There are bad christians and bad Muslims as well as good as good christians and muslims, these religions started somewhere and get imported all over. Humanity is the only true religion. And Despite the skin difference, we are all fucking the same!

yes am racist to. we all are. if u say u not u full of shit....
the funny thing is most black/Muslims etc say u racist if u say anything bad. but there are racists against me and this is because for a long time it was the white man who beat them. yes it happen but a did not do it.... a have Muslims friends but as a group am "skeptical but am skeptical to Christians alosw so really are am a racist against all religions

What the term racism essentially boils down to is an opinion and we are all guilty of those.

yes totaly. the term now day are mist used all the time.
so mabye am not a racist a just dont like bad people like the norwegian Christians terrorist anders behring breivik ho killed 69 kids. and Isis and so on so on. so personally am a racism to a small group of all cultures

The Prophet Muhammad, Allah's Blessings and Peace be upon him, said:

"There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."