Can we all be correct? Part II

in #religion6 years ago

Unknown.jpegIn our culture in the 21st century people define tolerance as being synonymous with recognising all ideas are equally valid and true. Truth by its nature is exclusive and rejects that with which it is incompatible.

To be tolerant does not mean to accept all beliefs as truth. Tolerance is about how we treat others who hold contrasting beliefs than ours. We should respect and love the people with whom we disagree but we should accept their views as ‘another truth that works for them’. As someone said: ‘doing so can actually be unloving as their misunderstanding of truth could be harmful to them.’

Logically, if one believes that two contradictory spiritual beliefs can work for different people, they are saying that both spiritual beliefs are nothing more than placebos.


Well my friend, I don't have too much of a bone to pick this time :P I do not think relativism is necessarily indefensible, but I find it absolutely a contemptible intellectual position. To say that I am a Christian because I am not a relativist would probably not be far off the mark.

And anyway I hope that most people don't think that tolerance means all ideas are equally valid and true - that would be a disaster. But I am hopeful that most people in fact resonate with belief in transcendent Truth.

Sure. Take care