Psalm 37:9
For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord [in the end] shall inherit the earth.
A lot of things probably go too fast these days. We live in a time where people want things to happen in the nip of time. The age of instantaneous happenstances, if you like. If you are one of such persons, you probably have had a handful of costly disappointments. This is because those who live their lives on their own timetable meet lots of disappointments.
God has got perfect plans for every single person. You just might find this hard to believe considering the fact that there are way too many people on earth. But the truth is that He made awesome and precise provisions for our sojourn on earth before ever we were horned. We were in His thoughts. He is the architect of our existence, the engineer who conceived and designed the master plan for our lives. Living in God's timing then becomes a lot more important as God alone knows EVERYTHING about us.
Understand this: God expects us to follow His pace. Sometimes circumstances warrant one to feel that God is just too slow. He may be, except that He is SLOW to us. I realize that God does not work WITH time. Rather, time works FOR God. Thus
a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day." (2 Peter 3:8, NLT)
God's calendar doesn't work like man's calendar. God's timing is not man's timing. In fact, the day you give your life to Christ, your calendar no longer functions as man's calendar. Rather, God's calendar becomes yours. He expects you to follow His leading. Never ever try to fix God around your time, for that is a sure way to getting disappointed.
Get this: God is never late. He is always early IN HIS TIME and purpose. Don't rush Him. Trust Him. Never be foolish to think that He is not aware of your problems or challenges when you cry out to Him. Actually He is, except that He is waiting for His own time. Thus, when your calendar reads 'NOW', God's calendar may probably be reading 'TOMORROW'. This explains why patience through faith is a necessary tool to have when walking with God.
Follow God's timing and eliminate every disappointment.
Heavenly Father, today I ask that You will teach me to walk in accordance with Your timing for my life. I know it can sometimes prove hard. That’s why I’m going to ask You for more grace to do this work
Good for the spirit
Keep it up
Thanks man. Remain blessed!