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RE: Eradication of Religion, the only hope for civilization. (Part I)

in #religion6 years ago

You say:

A large number of theists in fact consider the laws of their religion to supersede the laws of man.

If religions are made by man then laws of religion are laws of man.

These people simply think that some laws of man (religion) supersede other laws of man (something different). Just because it is law of some people you like (you call it 'law of man') doesn't mean that it is superior to all other laws. You probably do not understand democracy. Democracy means that people choose their own law.

You say:

A theist cannot conceive of anything without first considering their deities wishes.

Which theist? Again, if deities do not exist, that shouldn't concern you. This theist you talk about just considers the wishes of some other theist, just like you consider the wishes of other people when you follow 'law of man'. I don't understand how is your position different from the one of that theist.

You paste an illustration of a man that says:

If you think that freedom OF religion doesn't include freedom FROM religion then you don't understand the meaning of the word freedom.

What does it matter, if you are anyway against freedom anyway? You want to eradicate freedom OF religion, and since freedom FROM religion is a part of it, won't you eliminate that al well?

You say:

I am exceptionally knowledgeable on the topic of RELIGION!

Prove it! Name a few of deities worshipped in Wicca. Tell me which Sikh guru didn't have a wife.