There are three other verses that come to mind that support and further the thought you presented.
(Quotes are from the CLV. The weird symbols and letters are not typos but grammar marks; Bold is mine)An interesting post! Thank you @gavvet.
- Luke 24:39 - |Perceive My •hands and My •feet, that it is I/ sMyself. Handle Me and |perceive, tfor a spirit |has not flesh and bones according as you |behold Me having."
This is the ONLY occurrence of the phrase “flesh and bones” in the NT. It is interesting that the time is AFTER His resurrection when He is in possession of His “spiritual” body.
- I Cor 15:50 - Now this I am averring, brethren, that flesh and blood is not |able~ to enjoy an allotment in the kingdom of God, neither is •corruption enjoying the allotment of •incorruption.
Paul asserts that our current bodies CANNOT enter into the Kingdom of God, but must be transformed. (See I Cor 15:51-55)
- Rom 8:11 - Now if the spirit of Him •Who rouses •Jesus from among the dead is making its home in you, He •Who rouses Christ Jesus from among the dead will also be vivifying your mortal •bodies because of His •spirit making its home i in you.
Paul states clearly that it is the SPIRIT that will also be giving life to our mortal bodies.
It is important that we teach scripture and NOT man’s teachings. It is only when an understanding is in agreement with the preponderance of ALL the scripture that we are safe from the teachings of men. A sequence of “proof texts” in support of an interpretation does not protect us from human bias; rather it’s the word dwelling in us richly.
@sirstacksalot does raise a question concerning the Tree of Life. The verse he quotes is an example of how ALL scripture must be considered before we arrive at an understanding. I suggest we need more discussion.
(I’m new to Steemit and haven’t yet posted my #introduceyourself. Please forgive me)