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RE: Transform Yourself Into God : Do Exploits And The Impossible!!

in #religius6 years ago

I don't understand, who is the Allah you mentioned?

do you think Adam is god?

in point 1) I want to ask, is God worthy of sin? then sin to whom?


But I Did not Refered to "Allah" throughout the Post! Could You Mean God??Thanks @rhampagoe for your query.

I Only Wrote "Man-god" as Adam Was At Creation ; But Reduced Himself To A Carnal Flesh and Blood Man Due To Wilful Sin of Disobedience!!

Why Adam Was a god was Elucidated In The Post.!!

The Carnal Man Who Want To Be god in 1) Has Sinned According To Biological Dictate That A Father Is The Same As His Offsprings. So,Adam Transferred His Sin To Every Human Living Today!!

Thanks For Stopping Bye !

May God Bless Your Day.