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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary7 years ago (edited)

Something that is a reality in the Christian worker is that he should never go out to do something on his own, he should always receive the instruction of the Holy Spirit to do his will. "What did they go out to see in the desert? "wind" refers to John the prophet of the Most High, was not anyone, it announced the arrival of the Messiah, tremendous task entrusted to the humblest servants. Only through Jesus Christ can we receive the revelation of the Father, and his fatherhood, because only through him we become children. Although the burden of bringing souls back to their eternal home in Christ seems an overwhelming and impossible task to achieve, it is not in our strength that is realized, it is in the power of the spirit that is made light, and although it bears a great responsibility to do his will, his grace and love allow us to live a holy life and full of blessing in His presence
Without the power of God it is impossible.


I totally agree with you.

It is pertinent for every child of God to always wait on the Lord for instructions and guidance.