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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary7 years ago

For them, the tradition taught and passed from generation to generation was even more important to fulfill than the commandments of God, a very serious error that we make when thinking or trying to choose the right based on our beliefs and not for the truth of the Word of God. In Deuteronomy 5 and Exodus 20, the word is clear in declaring that honoring father and mother is a duty of love to them and cursing them or speaking ill of them would make them guilty of death. Every plant refers to people or Religious systems that have not been planted, taught, cared for and put into practice by the Father will be uprooted at the root, not only in us but also during the final judgment. Every root of bitterness, fear, lie, pain, needs to be uprooted by the work of the Holy Spirit, through inner healing. True contamination is that which sickens, kills and separates the spirit of God. Again Jesus calls his disciples and It provides a new opportunity to believe (to feed people). Jesus feels compassion, a word that the original translates a feeling that comes from the bowels, this feeling is not a human sensation is a feeling aroused by the Holy Spirit in the being of man that allows him to feel the need of those around him.