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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary7 years ago

I must say that you are really doing a great work in sharing the chaptees of the Bible. Kudos to you!

This particular chapter of the bible has just opened my eyes and mind to many things I never knew and has also given me strong assurances of a better life tomorrow.


  • Do not be in a hurry to judge others: Christ alone is the only true and righteous judge. No man has the right to condemn or judge others as they themselves are not 100% perfect. Many judge others just to make themselves feel better when they actually are not. They seem to forget that God cannot be deceived. So, beloved, let's not alwats be in a hurry to condemn others rather we should humbly correct.

  • Worrying is not the answer: Worrying does not in any way solve any problem rather it adds to it. Many believers seem to not know this and this makes them to spend their supposed praying times worrying. God has assured us all of divine protection and provision; why not we key into it and desist from worrying.

Worry steals your joy.

  • Bear good fruits to avoid being cut off.

There are many benefuts attached to reading the gospel of Matthew and the bible at large as more things will be revealed to us.