verse 20> I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the one who receives and welcomes whomever I send receives Me; and the one who receives Me receives Him who sent Me [in that same way].”
In this verse we have heard what Jesus said that if you receive whoever he sends receives him now I ask how do you receive the man of God sent to your church?
How do you treat him?
Do you pray for him or you gossip him and his wife and children? I might not be able to mention all the atrocities people do to their pastors, but change and live well.
verse 27>After [Judas had taken] the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly [without delay].”
"Satan entered into him" despite the fact that Judas worked with Jesus he never guarded his heart he allowed the devil entered into his heart, perhaps he thought he was in right standing with God but never that he has drifted so far from God.
May God help us not to allow the devil take advantage of our weakness,Judas weakness was Money and it was money that took him to his early grave.
May God help us.
Thanks so much for sharing @reliquary