The Samaritan woman heard the gospel, she could not keep it to her self, she told the whole universe. You know it struck me so hard that a prostitute (Samaritan woman) was bold to spread the gospel of Christ, but we have 21st century Christians that are ashamed of Identifying with Jesus not to talk of sharing the gospel they have heard. But rather some of us if the message is preached in church we will which sister A or brother B was around that the message is for them because we feel we are too righteous, even the Bible says "Let he that thinks he stands let him take heed least he falls". The Samaritan woman acknowledged the fact that she is a sinner first before she went to spread the good news she has heard.
Vs 50 describes how a man believe in Jesus and his believe worked for him. I am quite sure that if the man did not believe his son wouldnt have come back to life. It was his faith, believe and trust in God that brought his son back to life.
May God help us.
Thanks for sharing @reliquary