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RE: The Gospel of ACT

in #reliquary6 years ago

In this first miracle that Acts records and which was made by the disciples: Peter and John, we are given the key to the exercise by all believers of the authority of the faith. By ordering healing in the man lame from birth, Peter uses the full name and title of our Lord: "Jesus Christ (Messiah) of Nazareth." (Jesus "or" yeshúa ") was a common name among Jews and continues to be so in many cultures, but the declaration of its full name and title, a practice worthy of notice in Acts, seems to be a good and objective lesson for us. Let us do so when we claim authority over diseases or demons In our confession of faith or power, let us confess his deity and his lordship as Christ, let us use his precious name, as Jesus the savior, let us cry to Him as Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ, without the intention of establishing a legal or ritual principle at this point, it is wise to remember that just as we pray in the name of Jesus, we also exercise all authority in Him, through the privilege of power He has given us in His name....