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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary6 years ago

For six months Jesus has been announcing his impending death to his disciples. Now he mentions the precise date, although those involved in the crucifixion were not innocent; the lord kept control of the situation all the time.
His sacrifice as the lamb of the Passover represents the conscious consummation of all the predictions and prophecies of the Old Testament.
hundreds of thousands of pilgrims went to Jerusalem during the Passover and the religious leaders did not want to run the risk of an uproar that could provoke a Roman intervention.
In this passage the evangelist Juan identifies the woman as Maria de Betania, the cost is not something to consider when it comes to carrying out an act of devotion for a loved one on the verge of death; The interference is as follows: "It is appropriate that you offer it to me while I am with you." The service for which there are no other opportunities has preferences over which constitutes a daily obligation.
Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit to carry out his ministry; on this occasion he is anointed with an expensive perfumed oil for his burial.
the sacrifice for love of Jesus will have perpetual influence.
Matteo reveals clearly the reasons for the greed of Judas, so it is useless any attempt to mitigate his guilt.