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RE: The Gospel of Genesis

in #reliquary6 years ago

This chapter gathers in its essence the divine sovereignty, the inescapable starting point to study the theme of the kingdom of God, it is the initial verse of the Bible
Here we find the sovereign of the whole universe whose reign and government are described from the beginning

    • his kingdom is to say the radius of action of his sovereignty is transcendent: that is, not only includes the entire physical univewrso, but exceeds it, existed before all creation, transcends and by virtue of having created it, everything that exists is in it
      2.- his reign or the power through which he governs he exercises by means of his will, his word and his works, by his creative will God designs and decides; by his word gives existence to the creation, and by his works his spirit demonstrates his unlimited power
  1. His government or authority to govern lies in his pre-existence and his sanctity, He is before the creation in the beginning as creator, the government of creation must be in his hands, his benevolent intention to create good things reveals his nature holy that is, complete and perfect, which confirms the moral right to govern the creation
    So that all kingdom and power torment flow from God