How to enjoy a BUG free summer

in #repel8 years ago

this is a tutorial on how to have a Flying inscet free outing.
first we. need a container i like tiki torches they are beginning to be on sale
grab 2
purchase the citrinella oil
buy 2oz of essiential oil euculyptus/lemonthyme/ peppermint/lemongrass
any 2 combination works the whole 2oz bottle

i add about 40 whole cloves tothe citronella oil and let them stay.
now crysanthlum essiential oil put 2oz
try to add drops onto the tikitorch wick
flys hate this.
if you cant find the E.O you can buy the
Thermacell insect shield refills@ lowes hardware stores and put 1 whole pad in 1 bottle
wash your hands!! wash your hands that made my fingers tingle but im allergic to alot if things.
with your E.O oils put them directly in the citronella bottle
tighten cap swish around
i let mine sit at least a day but you are in charge here. my most recent purchase will be in my Tulipbulb fridge till next bug season
finally back to the tiki torch with the wet wick.
add your jakked citronella mixx
close tightly wash your hands again
E.O will irritate your skin.!!
set it outside wait an hour and light it
flys cant stand it mosquitoes hate lemon smells also. grill in peace this summer.