Banjo Report for 2017-10-12 00:14:52 UTC
SteemSpeak presented here in report form.These are commands available for @banjo on
Quotes from The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
The brain alone is intricate beyond mapping, powerful beyond imitation, rich in diversity, self-protecting, and self-renewing. The secret is that it is grown, not built. So it must be with our software systems.
$follows banjo
Here's who's following @banjo and their total MVESTS.
banjo's followers: 979 (936.837 MVESTS)
; following: 63 (125.692 MVESTS)
Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Poloniex.
Total Reward Fund: 684,775 STEEM (Worth: $736,818 internally; $752,282 on Bittrex)
$rewardpool golos
Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Bittrex.
Total Reward Fund: 121,471 GOLOS (Worth: 257,154 GBG internally; $11,937 on Bittrex)
According to Mongo:
Today: 1645 new accounts (141.679 MVESTS delegated); 39263 active accounts; 18554 posts (8840 authors); 67658 comments (3525 authors); 879233 votes (30516 voters)
Yesterday: 1739 new accounts (154.426 MVESTS delegated); 39966 active accounts; 19052 posts (9300 authors); 71337 comments (3353 authors); 892906 votes (30858 voters)
$voting 1440
What is the split between upvotes and downvotes in the last 24 hours?
As of 1 day ago:
865741 upvotes by 29402 voters with 95,114 MVESTS, average weight: 60.040%
8699 downvotes by 1329 voters with 6,475 MVESTS, average weight: -77.170%
865741 upvotes by 29402 voters with 95,114 MVESTS, average weight: 60.040%
8699 downvotes by 1329 voters with 6,475 MVESTS, average weight: -77.170%
Current hardfork summary.
Current: 0.19.0
; Witness Majority: 0.19.2
; Last: 0.19.0
(4 months ago)
Version Votes by Top 100 Witnesses:
Version Witnesses MVESTS
0.19.0 64 2,145,946
0.0.0 25 195,652
0.17.0 2 16,446
0.16.0 3 12,140
0.15.0 2 7,251
0.14.0 2 4,839
0.13.0 2 4,088
Version | Witnesses | MVESTS |
0.19.0 | 64 | 2,145,946 |
0.0.0 | 25 | 195,652 |
0.17.0 | 2 | 16,446 |
0.16.0 | 3 | 12,140 |
0.15.0 | 2 | 7,251 |
0.14.0 | 2 | 4,839 |
0.13.0 | 2 | 4,088 |
1 MV = 1M VESTS = 485.996 STEEM = $522.931 = $533.907 on Bittrex
1 MG = 1M GESTS = 266.293 GOLOS = 563.743 GBG = $23.805
Current supply of STEEM.
Supply: 257,181,592 STEEM (Worth $276,727,393 SBD); $3,575,177 SBD (1.292% of supply); 66,389,983 Liquid STEEM (25.814% of supply)
$supply golos
Current supply of GOLOS.
Supply: 127,951,836 GOLOS (Worth 270,874,036 GBG); 6,951,129 GBG (2.566% of supply); 39,298,734 Liquid GOLOS (30.714% of supply)
Current price of the assets as seen on the exchanges.
Poloniex: USD/STEEM: $1.0867; USD/SBD: $0.9905
Bittrex: USD/STEEM: $1.0986; USD/SBD: $0.9825
Bittrex: USD/GOLOS: $0.0983; USD/GBG: $0.0852
$calcreward ...
Here, we're looking at the top trending post to see the impact it has on the reward pool.
Answers: steemit development and ICOs w/SMTs [VIDEO]
1 day old; Net votes: 443; Comments: 191; Views: 2471
Total Pending Payout: $754.855 (0.102% the size of reward pool).
Total posts promoted for today and yesterday, including the total burned. This is presented as a ratio of the daily reward pool for comparison.
171 posts promoted today totalling $301.921 (0.041% the size of reward pool).
220 posts promoted yesterday totalling $561.389 (0.076% the size of reward pool).
and uses radiator
to access the blockchain and steemdata-rb
to query report data.
This bot is currently being developed by @inertia. It's written in
Banjo is an awesome bot, keep it up 👆
Yes it is awesome.
Nice Post!
follow upvote and comment pls
Then go find one and stop harassing me.