"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen. - Brene Brown."
In a world full of challenges and self-doubt, I've found myself writing through with an unfamiliar style. And though it was foreign to me, I was able to express and share the feelings I once had at the time I was in the moment of space. It was a world full of sadness and I was the only one trying to mend the pain.
This form of writing has given me the chance to express wherein reality, it would be impossible for me to express myself in public. Blogging and writing has paved the way to let me grow amidst the hurdles I was facing at the time.
I was able to write lots of the same kind even though I don't have daily readers. While others stop when they don't see progress, it was enough for me when someone comes across my blogs and leaves a comment. I mean...that's what writers want - to get readers and be appreciated.
However, from what I feel, this notification might not be similar to that.

A few minutes ago, I received a notification that A Daily Dose" was mentioned by someone. And it was someone posting a content (my writing) from A Daily Dose" as their content.
I believe respect should be acknowledged in this kind of situation. My work was posted without my consent and it primarily appeared that the person who took it wrote it. I think there is a better way to do this kind of content however I believe it requires special care to take note of a lot of things to produce an appropriate form of post. I'm not against it, but I think it should've been constructed carefully to appear like a feature blog if the whole content reference' every word is included in the newly made blog.
Am I making a big deal out of it?
I don't think I am. It was a cherished memory I created in the past and I believe this community has made it clear to respect bounderies of each and every author - new and seasoned writers.
I know how hard it is to start at the very beginning, but what will the journey become if you don't know how it was at the start of your journey? Developing ourselves as we go on with life will provide experiences and values that could become powerful tools innate within us. And just like knowledge, it can be learned and be shared to the other people.
This is something that will be missing if practices such as imitating, copying, stealing are continued per se. Do not be bound by this and try exploring your creativity because each one of us can. And I hope everyone will find our own unique creative spark.
Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought. - Albert Einstein
I don't know what other actions (other than reporting) I can do, but if that person is reading this. Please do not do this again and find a way to create your own original work as it is disrespectful to just take someone else's work and post them as your own. Doing this kind of practice requires proper guidelines and a writer's genuine input.
I wasn't planning to make a comeback in this manner, but life is unpredictabe so I was able to quickly write a response in a form of blog.
Be Authentic

Parece que fuiste víctima de una ola de bots que hace lo que describes. Este post te puede dar más información sobre ello: https://ecency.com/hive/@louis88/dont-f-with-the-community-my-research-on-the-spam-wave-over-the-past-few-days
Thank you for providing me this research. I have glanced over it and will read it again to extract proper measures that I could take to secure my account.
Now that I was given this research, it is indeed a bit suspicious how it was posted with the same formatting looking exactly like my original content. I'll do some research on my part as well as to how others dealt with this cause it seems I wasn't the only one.
Thank you again! 😊
Oh, I forgot to translate my comment, sorry. 😅 Yes, you weren't the only account they copied. It's not a comfort, but at least you know you didn't do anything wrong, it can happen to anyone. This account is already on the Hivewatchers blacklist, there is nothing else you can do.
I hope it doesn't happen to you again. I'm happy to help. Greetings! 🤗
Oh I see. Thank you again!
...guess Inhave to update myself more about the platform since a lot can happen in a span of a year. 😁
Oh, yes! Hive is changing and evolving constantly. It’s part of the magic. ✨