Whats ur view?
Would u enjoy the self driving vehicles
As r drive heavy trucks.. Will it b fun in seating in selfdriving vehicles or man driving it@everittdmickey
Whats ur view?
Would u enjoy the self driving vehicles
As r drive heavy trucks.. Will it b fun in seating in selfdriving vehicles or man driving it@everittdmickey
I'm all FOR self driving cars (and trux), very few people know how to drive properly, and they don't.
30K deaths every year in the USA, over a million world wide attest to that fact.
Very damn FEW wrecks are due to mechanical failure...almost ALL are due to driver error.
In past Googles self-driving car caused its first crash, when it changed lanes and put itself in the path of oncoming vehicle...
Will it b safe in trusting this type of vehicles?@everittdmickey
keep everything in perspective
how many teen age girls have done the same thing...today
will we be safe letting teenagers drive?
Driverless car may b available in range of $100000.so not every1 can afford it.. A comp malfunction even just a minor glitch could cause worse clashes.. And secondly if some one hijack system, would it b threat to personal security?@everittdmickey
and they may be available for much less OR..they might not even be for sale.
If I had a crystal ball and could tell the future I'd get RICH.
hijacking is already a thing...and we don't even have autodriving cars yet...