Unwanted children: the “fundamental cause of climate change
Least we forget - Nine Months Ago
Feminist icon Gloria Steinem thinks coercing women to have children they don’t want is the fundamental cause of climate change.
People argue that climate change and other issues are also feminist issues. What do we lose by broadening the meaning of the term?
“Are you kidding me? Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population. If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change. Even if the Vatican doesn’t tell us that. In addition to that, because women are the major agricultural workers in the world, and also the carriers of water and the feeders of families and so on, it’s a disproportionate burden.”
Climate advocates are often (though not always) population control advocates. Unborn children are an easy target for the population control freaks – they can’t defend themselves.
Wow! Creeps...Creeps everywhere!!
If somebody genuinely believes that people need to be killed to save the planet, they should show a little conviction and dedication to the cause and start with themselves.
I agree!
It's cow farts, silly !
There's never been a time where it's been easier to not have children if you don't want them. And yet women keep choosing to have babies and lots of them seem pretty damn happy about it.
Who the hell is she to speak for half of the human race?
She'd love Downsizing
tnx for upvote
Unfortunately, this world needs a major war. A culling as it were. However, I don't think there is an appetite for it?
...and I then have to defend myself; as someone out there will take offence at my statement. YES, I know wars are horrid, bad and usually for a reason that is either 'just' or 'unjustly'; however, it is natures way of removing overpopulation. After all, fighting is an instinct in man, a clever seed planted by Mother Nature herself. Unfortunately, there's been a few clever men that have learnt how to kill on a large scale. I personally don't want a war, as I hope my sibling enjoys this planet as I; however, I fear that global warming IS not false and it will devastate this planet in a few decades, if famine, disease or war doesn't happen before. It's why I've been so disappointed that man hasn't already reached Mars.
It's not global warming is real, history show us that, look at this post from @everittdmickey
Our planet has enjoyed 10 warm periods Look at the graph, open it in a new window and make it bigger if you have to so you can see. Look at some other historical graphs, don't take his word, or the lamestream media's word, type Historical Global Temperature charts in to google, see what you find. Click images, pick one and do a blog post on it. Overpopulation is a crock also, just a justification to kill people. Look on google for the area size of New York, or Tokyo, then look at how many square feet people live in there. If Overpopulation was a real problem it would show in those cities. Look on a map and see how much food the state of New York ships out of their state, how much food Japan ships to other countries. The United States, Canada, Russia, Chili, Argentina (before it fell apart), and other large countries ship food away from their population, over populated? I don't think so. Even India exports food. Why? Because they don't need it, overpopulated? I don't think so.
If you want a war to control population, then do like all the other freudian followers. There is no need for war other than you have something I don't have and I want it.
That is the most stupid thing I have read in a long time, and I have typed and read a lot of stupid things I have typed out. If it is all about "Mother Natures" way, then using the logic of your statement it is okay for a man or a woman to force themselves on one another for the purpose of spreading his seed, or of breeding with the strongest seed whenever and wherever they want to do it. After all it is Mother Nature that designed the need to Populate in us.
The world is over populated, i can agree on that , but that's not the main reason or the cause for environmental damage. If everyone do their part and not contaminate we shouldn't have any problems.
According to recent studies only 10%. There's people that shouldn't have kids , the main reason they have them is to suck up from the government, but this is a totally different discussion. There's many things damaging the ecosystem like artificial estrogen been release into our water system because of birth control pills. This is a mayor issue, causing fish and sea plants mutations.
humans live on less that 1% of the surface area of the earth and it's over populated?
That's my opinion. If you ask me I'll do an IQ test to every women before thinking about having a child.
everyone has an opinon
Increase in population is great threat to our environment.
Ok, feel free to jump off the lib cliff whenever you want.
I don't know a lot about history, I admit that. If we have only been a patriarchy for 500 years, does that mean we were a matriarchy for all those other climate change events, 9 out of the 10 warm periods, and men taking over only after the last little ice age. And only responsible for the Modern warm period. Gloria Steinem she is so so smart. She should be president. No wait wait .......she should be our world leader. yes that is it, we need a world leader. .....she would be great at it......I am sure Mr. Putin would bow to all her screeching demands, I am sure that the Donald would quake in his boots as he heard her screeching all the way from NY to DC......but like I said, I don't know a lot about history, so I accept the facts as she has stated them that women are responsible for all the previous hot air events in the world.
I'm sure she appreciates that...mighty generous of you.